Love is calling your name
Pick yourself up in the storms of pain and sheer hatred
Know yourself better than anyone
Open your eyes
See with heart and soul
Love knows the way
Love is the answer
Love is divine
Love is all powerful
Love is all knowing when it is pure perfection
No doubt
No hate
Just bliss
Yes everlasting
Energy says all
Trust yourself
You are divine
You are love
You are powerful
You are love
You are magical
Tour soul is a fire untouched
Light it
Flame your passion
Walk your path
Do your true will
Do the great work
Know thyself
Think rational
Open your mind to new possibilities
Open your eyes to new worlds
Open your soul to new beginnings
Unto unknown worlds
Where few travel
Listen to your heart
Listen to your soul
Listen to frequency
Vibe tells all
Love speaks the loudest
Know thyself
Know what hurts you
Know what makes you happy and loveful and bliss
Toss out the bad
Breath in love
For thee are love
Love and in love
Love knows what to do
Love is your most powerful tool
Love is the most beautiful
Love is the most gifted
Use love to balance
Use love to heal
Use love to ascension
Use love to harmonize
Love and in love
Love knows best
Love heals
Love radiates
Love is light
Soul blazing
With that of love
With that of passion
With that of bliss
Go forward
On the wings of love and bliss
On the wings of soul fire
No one can stand in your way
Soarung above it all
Where nothing can reach hurt you
Where nothing can pull you down
You are free
You are divine
You are powerful
You are magical
You are love
You are light
You are bliss
Love and in love
There is no law above do what thou wilt
Love is the law, love under will
Know thyself
Be tbyself
Full of love and passion
Doing my true will
Doing the great work
Love and in love
Divine utmost holy love
Love your mission
Rejoice in your passion and mission
Love and in love
Love knows what to do
Love knows best
Love is calling your name
Hear me
Oh hear me
Divine love
Pure love
Peaceful slumber
Rest your wings on the clouds of divinity
You are home
You are home
Doing the great work
Doing your true will
Walking among the angels of heaven
Walking among the gods and goddesses
Divine love
Divine bliss
Divine light
Yes everlasting
You are home
Do not cry
You are home
You are love
All power was giving unto you
You control and shape your own reality
You are powerful
You are love
Yes love
Divine utmost holy love
You are free
Love and in love
Angels singing
Blissful love
Blissful peace
Divine holy light
Love and in love
Love is the law, love under will