From darkness into light From moon to sun and back into stars above Become ever boundless Become forever limitless and free Break free of your chains that bind you Destroy them and take flight Soaring above the clouds Free forever free Nothing can stop us Nothing can get in our way
Be gone with these vile creatures and their wicked ways Destroy all the lies and falseness they have spread Let love rule your actions along with peace of mind and of bliss and of happiness The tides are turning and becoming rough But we will prevail with not a scratch on us We will always come out on top and be fine We will win this unseen war within the shadows We will win In love we shall go with As we tread with love and light Banishing and vanquishing the veils of night From darkness we change into light We will prevail We will win Love in love
Nothing can stand in our way Nothing can or will For we are forever boundless and walk with love
Unto love and unto glory and unto ecstasy
Vanquish the veils of night Love and kisses Love and kisses Look to the sun but kiss the moon
Into love and into moonlight and into sunlight Falling rose petals and snow dancing and stars are falling Down down down Cast down your light Vanquish the evil ones Into light and into light Stooping moonlight Blinding sunlight