listen to your heart
love knows the way
love is free
love is powerful
love is uplifting
love is light
rejoice in love
follow love it knows the way
it will uplift you
it will lift you into new heights
love will balance you
love heals all wounds
you are love
you are divine
you are powerful
you are magical
you are more than your ego
you are more than your physical body
you are love
love is the law, love under will
there is no law above do what thou wilt
return to 5D
return to the spirit
return to the heart
return to love and light
holy and utmost divine love and light
you are worthy
you were always worthy of this love and light and divine knowledge
spirit knowledge is everywhere if you know where to look
listen with your heart
listen with your eyes
lisiten with spirit
magic is all around us
frequency is everywhere
tune into the ones that speak to you
love and in love
bliss and happiness
love knows the way
come awaken
come enter a new profound world of love and bliss
things will try to knock you down
do not let them
pick yourself back up and continue your climb
you are always in control
you are powerful
you are love
you are divine
you are magical
you are love
love is calling your name
love will raise you higher and faster than if it was negative and hate
always seek love and joy
to see your joy is my joy
do what thou wilt is the whole of the law
love is the law, love under will
love knows the way
listen to what it is telling you
energy says all
see and feel with spirit and heart
frequency is everywhere
tune into the ones that speak to you
love and in love
bliss and happiness
come into love
be with love and light and bliss
streaming love and bliss and happiness
seek what your hearts desires
feed and nourish your souls
love and in love
love and into light
love and into bliss
streaming love and bliss and happiness
carrying you on love waves
on the wings of love and bliss
nothing can touch you now
nothing can harm you now
you are in control
you are free
you are boundless
you are love
love and in love
love and into light
love and into bliss
streaming love and bliss and happiness
Love is the most powerful weapon
Use it to heal
Use it to rise
Use it to free yourself
Continue to empower your soul with that of love
there is no law above do what thou wilt
love is the law, love under will