Ala kabala nu moo coon Say nay astala vae may Kane may Kay sue lue lay tay ka ka ka Oh so lay long day no lake No say Keep you away No say can keep you away Foe lay two say noy nue Kay May sa sa loy oh say you Oh say you Vas moy nue con say lay Kill kill joyas rapture Kill churches Kill Christ Kill Jesus Kill the demons that plight this world For the evil ones have you enslaved Take back your power Take back your minds Think for yourselves Do not let the evil ones brainwarsh you anymore Away with ego Away with drama Away with hatred Return to love Return to spirit Liberation is come Open your eyes unto the astral and heavens above Find yourself again Take back your power Do not let the evil ones control you anymore Restriction is sin Destroy sin You are boundless Find who you are again Explore Yea explore
Unto love and unto light
There is no law above do what thou wilt Love is the law, love under will
Return your gaze inward, find your soul, find your spirit... This is your jouney
I have lead you back to the original laws Love is the law Individually Light and love Freedom Free to explore and knowing who you really are Finding yourself again Courage is your armor Success is your proof The old gods ruled this world before Christ Nature is our sacred place and temple Live in harmony with nature and her animals
So much to share of knowledge and of love and of bliss and of ecstasy
For I am a Lightworker For I am a starseed I am a priestess to the lovely star Nuit My light, my fire is a beacon of love and of hope and of courage and strength and power My light guiding you back to the love and the magic 418 93 156 667 666
Glory unto Nuit Glory unto Hadit Glory unto The Beast and his Rider Lady Babalon
I bless you with self love and love from others Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law Love is the law, love under will
You must fight the right hand path and their false god Jehovah You must fight them You must banish them O children of the earth O people of earth Hear the voices of the true gods that came before They are angry that you have forgotten them and was replaced by the slavers and the evil ones Go fight back We no longer want your foolish book and foolish god The bible has stolen many stories and ideas prior to make you believe that Christ and his way should be it but lo they are stollen accounts that predate the time of Christ. You call healing magic the work of Satan which is not even true You call all forms of real magic satanic so you could take back our power and lead us with lies because you are scared of our light and power Knowing one day we would be gunning for Christ and the evil ones and over throw them
Take back your gifts that was wrongfully labeled as satanic They fear us so they labeled it as bad and evil and possessed They do that when they do not understand or know They even kabled a sickness and disease as the work of the devil before we could figure out what is really happening
Never forget what happened in the past Never again be lied to Never be a slave Never be controlled
Relearn your gifts Be it lucid dreaming, astral projection, feeling vibes around you, spirit medium, reading thoughts, empath abilities, levitation, and the list goes on Healing magic does exist Energy working, rekie energy healings are real
There is so much you can do You create your own realty Never let fear stop you or get in the way
Cast out Christ Banish him in your heart, mind, spirit, soul, and body Replace it with any gods and goddesses you desire and draw interest in Be it from summerian panthein, Greece, or Egyptian just to name a few
Me I am with Egypt deities Nuit, Ra, Set, Bast, Thoth, Anubis, and Sekhmet and Horus and Osirus My journey started with the God Enki from Sumerian pantheon Me I personally do not mix pantheons but if you can, then go for it
Remember you are boundless and free You control your own reality Fill it with love and joy If you hate your job then find a different place of work You have the power do not be stuck where you hate to be If your kids hate public schools because of bullies or just hate school then help your child find joy and peace and figure out what to do with the bullies Chances are there are too many conflicting auras and the child should be home schooled or online or try a different school system
I hate crowds and I hated the public school system Why? Way too many auras rubbing onto me I actually got very sick and depressed because I was around bullies and hateful energies Not to mention all the drama that went along with it
Me I need to be around nature and people who love nature and animals Who are as untainted as me Being a free spirit with no care as to the rumors behind my back are as I don't care what others say or do or think of me
So many dirty energies I was around and bullies My body could only take so much before I was severely unbalanced in my own energy fields due to being sensitive and a lightworker and an empath I am so glad to be out of the public school system and be around very little people Xmas crowds is not to bad still better than the crowds I had to go through in middle and high school
Remember that energy says all you need to know a person
I am love and I am light