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what is my religion

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

A brief summary of Thelema

Thelema was founded by Aleister Crowley.

Thelema is the name of the philosophical school and religious matrix established in 1904 with the writing of Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law) by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and stands on the central axiom, the Law of Thelema. The Law is summed up in two phrases from the Book:

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” (AL I:40) and

“Love is the law, love under will” (AL I:57).

The central goal of a Thelemite (as adherents refer to themselves) is to discover and perform his or her True Will, which is generally defined as the innermost Nature or proper life course of the individual. The techniques used to achieve this goal fall under the heading of Magick.

There are also strong political, ethical, aesthetic, and cultural aspects to Thelema. Although there is no strict literal doctrine concerning these matters, Aleister Crowley wrote many articles and essays regarding his ideas about the proper behavior of individual Thelemites and for an ideal Thelemic society. These ideas have continued to develop into modern times. However, the primary themes involve personal freedom, a recognition that men and women have an inherent divine nature, and that Love is the basis of the Great Work.

Different views of Thelema

Not all adherents of Thelema consider it a religion or subscribe to the philosophy of True Will as outlined in Aleister Crowley's writings. Thelemites may or may not believe in the necessity of Canon or Theology as outlined in this article. Many require nothing more than an acceptance of the message of The Book of the Law as interpreted by the individual, each for him/herself.

To read more plz visit this site

You must do the work yourself.

I can point you in the right direction


"Prepare for the mighty miracles I shall be wrought with around the world for all to see. I will show you this falsehood of lies the enslavers have you fearing. I will lift the veil from your eyes and show you all that has not been known to you since the dark ones came. I will teach all the world that which I am sent to do. Deep seated and deep throned, yea until we declare the last of the demons defeated and again man is the Lord of his spirit."

In lowman terms

Thelema Religion is

  • the primary aspect of themes involve personal freedom, a recognition that men and women have an inherent divine nature, and that Love is the basis of the Great Work.

  • knowing yourself

  • liberation

  • freedmon

  • finding yourself

  • your soul journey

  • reaching godhead - spiritual advancement

  • love

  • obeying no one but yourself

  • not following the false god christ

  • finding yourself again

  • individualism

  • peace, love, and purity

  • following yourself and following lightworkers. know only you put the effort and the work into your path. i can not do it for you!

  • you take back your power

  • return to love and return to light

  • follow our example of this mysticism and lead it then yourself in YOUR way. find your indilism identity with Thelema

me personally

  • i follow egyptian deities but you can follow any pantheon you see fit if you so desire

  • there is no law above do what thou wilt

  • love is the law, love under will

  • i do not follow christ

  • i hate politics and have no views for them

  • same with the government

  • i believe in the native people - how they live

  • live with nature

these are my own thoughts and no one else's

i am spiritual

i am a lightworker

i am love

i am more than my physical body

i am love

i am more than my ego

i am love

love is the law, love under will

all information have came from this website

the books i have read to help me reach freedom

are the holy books of thelema

Sacred Texts of thelema

The Book of the Law

The Holy Books of Thelema

Liber I: Liber B Vel Magi

Liber VII: Liber Liberi Vel Lapidus Lazuli

Liber X: Liber Porta Lucis

Liber XXVII: Liber Trigrammaton

Liber LXV: Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente

Liber LXVI: Liber Stellæ Rubeæ

Liber XC: Liber Tzaddi Vel Hamus Hermeticus

Liber CLVI: Liber Cheth Vel Vallum Abiegni

Liber CCXX: Liber Al Vel Legis

Liber XXXI: Liber Al (Liber Legis), The Book of the Law

Liber CCXXXI: Liber Arcanorum

Liber CCCLXX: Liber A'ash Vel Capricoroni Pneumatici

Liber CD: Libe Tau Vel Kabbalæ Trium Literarum

Liber DCCCXII: Vel Ararita

The Vision and the Voice


i have read many things and followed my soul journey

i have seen many picture quotes and images that helped me further my spiritual journey

i have also watched youtube videos - people talking about lucid dreaming, chakras, other spiritual topics.

i did not wake up and liberated myself over night

my journey has taken me 8, 9, or 10 years to become who i am now

i also had help from my Gods, my lover, my best friends, and of course my holy guardian angel.

know i hardly had friends growing up so i did not have peer pressure

my parents was not there for me

they left me to my own devices and let me think for myself

yes i had some media but my mother never made me watch the news. i watched cartoons and no reality shows until years later.

i was not influenced by pop culture or celebrities and all that gossip and rumor junk

i had a very different life than most people have

i was alone, an outcast

i had the room to grow without many outside influences and for that i am thankful

since small i had freedom to think for myself and see through my own eyes unfiltered and for this i am thankful

i now pass on my liberation and shine bright.

for i am a beacon of hope, love, courage, strength and power

for i am a priestess to the lovely star, Nuit

i am a starseed and lightworker

my mission is spiritual advancement and love to all

i share my truth and love to the world

this is my story i am sharing with you all

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