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Answering your Questions #1

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst


I see your a Pleiadian.

Is that how your able to understand "The Book of the Law"?


no that has little to nothing to do with understanding it....



How did you accept Thelema as your religion?

I have trouble with understanding text passed from ancient deities?

Do you have videos where you translate "The Book of the Law" for Laymen to understand?


Interpretation of The /book of the Law is considered a matter for the individual, and openly promoting personal ideas about its meaning is strongly discouraged. Although Crowley expressed the desire to see the Law of Thelema promulgated in all areas of society, success in this endeavor is to be based on others willfully following the the good example of Thelemites rather than by evangelization or direct attempts to convert others. "Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not over much!" (AL III:42)

I may not understand everything I read but as time goes on and I reread it at a later date I understand more... This book is a set of books you must read to understand fully I would think... It happened to me in that way after I read other books.... Then everything made more sense as to what Thelema is...

Thelema means Will

the code we follow is simple

There is no law above do what thou wilt

love is the law, love under will

to see your joy is my joy

restriction is sin - take this as what you think it means to you... for me it means do not resist your emotions/ do not bury them but feel them

basically love is at the center of everything

following your heart and soul

the goal is to raise our vibrations and that of others

the common term i keep seeing is 5D vibrations

there are so many pages i have read from this website that is on Thelema... I still have not read it all

As to how I accepted it as my religion... it happened naturally

as i did not accept the bible - that probably helped

i was always one for the ancient religions

Egypt being my home on that front

basically to accept Thelema as my religion, i accepted the ideas, traits, and morals... it felt right to me so naturally I accepted it at my core of who i am and what i follow... it lined up perfectly with me



regarding starseed information

I don’t know where to start. What do I need to know first? Where is the beginning? Or is it we have always been on the path?


the video that woke me up to starseeds was this video

then i happened to sumble across a quiz to see which one i fell under

next i found this page about more of the traits

from there its all about what you feel... your inner deep feelings, connections. some have done artwork on these starseed beings which may draw more attention to you... i know i felt something when i saw Pleadian artwork on what they look like.

hope this info helps you out. i am still very new to starseeds myself

every man and every woman is made of stars - which means we are always on the path. many do not know they are a starseed. until something wakes it up inside them

glad you stumbled across my video and seeking more ❤

Leila Rose Thelemic Starseed

it was actually this video.. i watched a couple on starseeds 🙂



What have you learned since you found out that has changed something for you


I personally have a better understanding of myself now. A clearer picture now.



what is a starseed and what do you have to do


his video helped me understand what a starseed is... there are others outthere

in simple terms... a starseed is a person who came from another stay system and earth is just another life they are living... starseesd have lived multiple lives i have haeard and on many other worlds

as for what do you have to do.... look within yourself and go by feeling of which star system you feel home to if earth feels foreign

this website also helped further my study on starseeds

hope this helps you

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