question Today i stand here trying to understand who Created the dark .. are we humans from light only ?
answer we need both light and darkness -a balance
question did we choose to be here, on earth?
answer yes, of course, we agreed to be born on earth... we just forgot that and have to remember on our own... we must wake back up to know about past lives and the like
What kind of feeling are we talking about to heal?
any feeling of an emotional can heal
be it love or sadness
never stop yourself from feeling emotions... that is the worst thing you can do and so the feeling is part of the healing... let things flow
that is my outlook on things...
question Who watch them self in the mirror and never stop looking in a dark room just a candle and mirror and yourself
answer yes, the transfiguration of spirit showing through... the real you shining through the body is but a shell and false look we must learn to unwrap to see our real self on the astral i am sure it will look a bit different between 5D and 3D plains....
4D+ - being spirit 3D - being physical
answer 2 this is commonly called mirror magic what happens is the spirit comes through the body more easily in low light and with a mirror so you can see what is happening the best method to do this is in a trance unfocus the eyes and just focus on the mirror
I was meditating under a river in a meditation asking for my spirit guides. Then this angel comes down with a chalice. And I look in it and its blood. Anyone have any idea what it means?
little did he know this was right up my ally...
i have read about this symbol in Thelema...
Chalice or Graal filled with blood.... i believe the passage said the blood of saints... since the passages of the books from Crowley are often written in riddles you would have to follow your guides and spirit to know what it means
this is the passage i can get to easily which reads
. In her right, she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death. In this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon” (Book of Thoth)
the cup is a symbol of this Goddess named Babalon / Babylon (the symbol is always in her right hand....this cup you spoke of
here is more of what i can find on this symbol
this cup is described in various places in the Thelemic texts, but her most edifying appearance is in The Vision and the Voice, as part of the vision which explains the function of the Chalice:
Let him look upon the cup whose blood is mingled therein, for the wine of the cup is the blood of the saints. Glory unto the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, that rideth upon the Beast, for she hath spilt their blood in every corner of the earth and lo! she hath mingled it in the cup of her whoredom.
With the breath of her kisses hath she fermented it, and it hath become the wine of the Sacrament, the wine of the Sabbath; and in the Holy Assembly hath she poured it out for her worshipers, and they had become drunken thereon, so that face to face they beheld my Father. Thus are they made worthy to become partakers of the Mystery of this holy vessel, for the blood is the life. So sitteth she from age to age, and the righteous are never weary of her kisses, and by her murders and fornications she seduceth the world. Therein is manifested the glory of my Father, who is truth.
(This wine is such that its virtue radiateth through the cup, and I reel under the intoxication of it. And every thought is destroyed by it. It abideth alone, and its name is Compassion. I understand by "Compassion," the sacrament of suffering, partaken by the true worshipers of the Highest. And it is an ecstasy in which there is no trace of pain. Its passivity (=passion) is like the giving-up of the self to the beloved.)
—The Vision and the Voice, 12th Aethyr, Aleister Crowley.
I am sure there is more infomation on the page i linked him to which contained what i shared from
go look for yourselves and read