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Answering your questions #3

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

question How does one learn light language? Can anybody learn it or certain people only?

answer light language is your soul language... some call it gibberish but its not... fall into a trance and say whatever comes to mind as you channel your energy or your spirit guides light language is also the universal language of the cosmos/ our galactic neighbors and such..... from what i have heard.... you learn it by figuring out how to channel energy.... you will know what you say on your own, your guides can also help you with that if your struggling to understand what you say in the light language hope this helps i just found out about it not to long ago myself (i am still learning) anyone can learn this its not just for lightworkers or special people

answer 2 - not mine My guess is that it is vibration based, which is backed with sacred geometry, instead of one word meaning one thing. I heard it spoken and then a couple of days later spontaneously started speaking what I have been interpreting as light language to my dog when I was expressing my love to him. He really pays attention when I use it.

answer 3 - not mine If your supposed to know it it will come to you..go in meditation and ask for it ... Everything is accomplishable through meditation

response to 3 - not mine you may come to a point where meditation is no longer necessary. Your mind can become so strong. Where you control how you feel, and you can control the energy. And are completely satisfied. That’s where I’m at. Meditation is great. Just thought I’d share where I got to not saying your wrong. Cause you are right

answer 4 - not mine speak from the heart humor/ emotions



Anyone ever feel like there’s someplace they need to be other than where they are at the time. And can’t figure it out a kinda longing.


yes i have

starseesds feel this way -especially

your soul is trying to tell you where to go for your mission and purpose in life

listen to your feelings, your gut

i have felt this way before i found my home in the Egyptian Pantheon and with the law of Thelema... now i do not long to be somewhere else

i know where i am headed now

we are predestined to be at a place and time.... things do not happen just by chance....

we shape our reality but destiny we can not shape nor control

however, we can control on how we get there....

i may walk, jump, or run but i will get where i am going



Is this why I'm forgetting what I'm saying mid-sentence, studdering, and having difficulty finding the right words?


maybe it is

i have that same thing happen to me

Answer 2 - not mine but wanted to share it

I would say yes. I say its like I forget the English language .. it’s my first language so it’s not like I’m mixed up with another but as I’m typing I’m receiving intuitively that intuition is my first language and I am mixing it with intuition flow. Im normally more a feeler/ knower



Can anyone else not recognize their physical self in the mirror lately?


yes, i have

i see beyond my shell

i see my real self on the astral

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