5-16-20 to tolerate someone's posts is to say... you know what i am not actually into your sharings i do not agree with your posts i am not into the whole christ will save your ass christ is the only way to uplift yourself that is not even true bible is bad bible is evil i have the proof demons wrote that book and passed it on to man man is now out of control if you can't see that then your blind christ is not the only way to uplift yourself but the person ignores that and i had to block this sheep i mean really... i just hated that word ONLY in his post when i know damn well its not the only WAY so i had to rid this false lighter from my eyes I'm a strange breed... not sorry! i look to all spiritual paths and create my own to the light
but I have to say amt a fan of the bible nor satanism let me make that CLEAR
I did tons of soul searching and said to hell with the earth's religion i am the alien here, so i will form my own path and walk it :P i walk in light
for i am light
i will not turn a blind eye to evil
if you do evil i will not tolerate it i walk free and untainted
i could go on but that's for you to see and figure out
on what I t oppose that is founded only on earth and not in the higher dimensions
ending note:
there is no right way
there is no SINGLE way
that is my point i am trying to make
i put up with his loving strangers which includes demons no doubt and other false light i tolerated his posts until i saw he was with christ...... and that foolish book... i had no choice but to block this user so i wouldn't continue to see his posts which i now hate to hate something is to hate demons and evil and false light no one can think like me...