even i have my limits
ever been in the presence of someone who LITERALLY sucks the life right out of you?
i have and its the worst demon of all
this person makes you want to end yourself
this person makes you wish you were never born
this person makes you think... you are a cosmic mistake and your soul should not even exist
i feel only rage and deep anger
when a person tells you that you can not bitch and gripe but they can is a hypocrite
they can get away with bitching to you but you cant EVER talk to them
the nerve of this person says every time i open my mouth to them i yell... which is not even true
every time i speak to them i bitch which is not even true
i tell them i am not even bitching but they wont hear of it
if you are face to face with this type of demon... get the hell out of dodge as fast as you possible can
it is not worth your time being in the presence of this vile demon
i know kids can not do anything... most of them run away from home because of their demon parents
others stay and grow up to become demons for their soul was already a demon the whole time
i grew up in hell
i am not ready to admit the struggles i had to go through to the public...
you have no right to scream at someone for basically NO reason at all
this is a classic trait of a demon to suck the life out of you
they piss you off for no reason
they yell at you for no reason other than their world is on fire and have no peace because everyone in their world is a thief of peace.... in their reality
basically their reality makes no sense to the awake people... the people who know better to not yell at anyone having literally no reason at all
they understand how to get peace or go back to a balanced mind set
rather than yelling at everyone in their path
i could go on but its time for you to see the demonic traits from your own eyes and learn to see through the traits and spot them... etc etc etc
key traits to spot
their attitude is stinky and sucks
the demons tend to be very agitated and easily triggered
they are always pissed off and the world is on fire
they talk your ear off
they make you lose your concentration
they nag at you
they complain nonstop
they yell at you for no reason