feeling like a rainbow
bring on more high vibes
rise higher
rainbow after a rain shower
love, love, love
love is always with you
rainbow after the rain showers
shine, shine, shine
shine on
shine brightly, GLOW
nothing can stop you from being love
you have that power
be mindful, be happy, be bliss
blissful love
you are your reality - powerful thoughts
be aware of yourself - deeply
be conscious of what makes you unhappy then simply remove it from your life
reclaim your happy and your love
you hold all the power
let nothing stop you
not ego nor your thought
instead broaden your horizons and simply flow
flowing like the sea
flowing like the waves on a beach
crashing down and out to tide
endless motion ever flowing
i have my bad days and my good days
i just roll with the tides
like the sun rising and setting
i also rise again no matter what
rainbow after the rain
I AM a rainbow after these showers
oh look at me bloom
healing, evolving
i simply am
flowing ever flowing
rising and falling
rising again
one of those moments where i just write what i am feeling in 5D spirit
i finally, ran out of things to say
it feels good to share those words with you all