6-12-20 no matter how long it takes me to get my groove back
my previous posts are still shinning me forward
i still help people from my old posts even if i have not posted in weeks or months
my light is still here even after i go silent or have no net
i been quite on my accounts barely saying anything
so much hate I have 4 the demons around me
stressful life is the culprit
who can concentrate & hear the voices
I can not right now
that is about to end
my new chapter is about 2 begin
hopefully, i can begin to write again
and with this all said
i have to find a way to forgive myself of my selfish acts
after all, my angel told me
a demon would not care
a demon would never know he was selfish in the first place
a human might but its highly unlikely I would not be alive right now if I was a demon
the things I went through
no normal person could have gone through it & lived
a demon would have succumbed to it
not a being of light
its been a year and 2 months
that event still weighs heavy on me
its always in the back of my mind
i now see how i was selfish...
i now know why the event happened
i know my guardian angel keeps telling me
i need to forgive myself rather than asking of it from this person
humans think they know their selfish acts and ego but its highly unlikely they know to the full extent
some just copy cat other people without realizing and without understanding
an awakened soul would be able to detect
to understand
to overcome
to one day SEE it
not everyone can do this
I see so many times they think they have overcome selfishness but instead, they just go with the mainstream and copy cat others
people are still being 3D, low end 4D and barely anyone is being high-end 4D going into 5D
maybe i am just overlooking into this
maybe I am miss seeing and misunderstanding
who knows but its what notice and feel it
it is my opinion after all
Just realized I went through another Dark Night of the Soul
For a whole year and 2 months
I carried a pain
A new battle scar
My actions were selfish
Once I realized that I then felt shame and a hint of guilt
After I realized my truth of what I was feeling
I began to heal
i know i have already said in a previous post
I rather do the work myself rather than be handed it
this remains so even now
turns out the entire time i was grieving over a loss
no matter what i did the pain of that weight remained heavy in the back of my mind
it was only me grieving
time heals all wounds...
and through it all my angel kept telling me
learn to forgive yourself
your not a demon
no demon could see their mistake not in the way you have seen it
a demon would continue to be selfish
they would not feel any shame or guilt
their cycle would continue over and over again and with every new person they meet until they see through their flaws and change themselves for the better
not many people can do this
most would never admit their wrongs and they hide from themselves