Yesterday at 7:00 AM
fly with me my angels
fly with me to peaceful lands
green fields as far as the eye can see
crystal deep clean waters everywhere you go
oh paradise
i am going home
i am coming home
earth was my prission
earth was my hell
i have gone through hell and i am still standing
i am still fighting the demons and i am wining
spread my wings and fly
fly with me
fly with me
to heaven
to heaven
i am going home
i am coming home
crystal soothing waters
healing my wounds
healing through the trauma of the 3D life that i had lived
i am here on 5D
i am here on 9D
back to peace
back to balance
back to love
back to nature
back to balance
i walk with the gods
i walk with the light
i walk with the light in my HEART
holy light
holy heart
i am here standing
telling you the tales of gods and men and demons
the gods have won
the demons lost
i am free
i am finally free
i overcame all obstacles
i overcame all the demons
i will never love a demon
i will never forgive a demon
i walk with the gods and the angels
i have light in my heart
i have light in my soul
i have spread my wings and took to the skies
i am in heaven
i am on 5D
i am on 9D
away with the 3D thinking
away with the 3D toxic energies
away with the demons
away with the vile creatures of earth
be gone vile demons
be gone
i am homeward bound
i am going home
i am coming home
i am on 5D
i am on 9D
i am an angel
i am a light being
i am divine
i am LIGHT
i shun the darkness
i cast no shadow
i am ONLY light
i am only LIGHT
light is in my heart
love is in my heart
bliss is in my heart
angels are singing
angels are singing
live with the gods and walk among them
cast out the demons
walk with the divine gods
renounce the false king
cast him OUT
turn to your rightful one true king
turn to him and say yes
say no to the false king
today at 3:30 AM 333 light is in my heart
angels are around me
i feel the warmth from their light
open thine heart to the light
spread my wings
take to the skies
demons can't get to me
i cast the demons out
i overcame all obstacles
here i am
flying high in the skies above the earth
i am on 5D
i am on 9D
flying high
my light shines brightly
i am here
light is in my heart
love is in my heart
i cast out the demons
i overcame all obstacles
here i am
here i am
here i am
holy light
divine light
i have no shadows
i have no darkness
i overcame the demons
i am only light
i am divine holy light
i went to hell
i saw demons
i talked with demons
they tried to steal my light away
they tried to trick me away from my great purpose in life
they tried to knock me down and beat me up
the demons failed
the demons failed
the demons failed
i overcame hell
i overcame torture of the 3D
i overcame all odds
here i am
here i am
here i am with my light
with my divine light
i am not going away
my light may dim but i stand with the gods
i rise with the kings of old and forgotten
i rise with the one true king
here i am shining my light brightly
casting no shadows
i cast out the demons
i walked away
i vanquished the demons
my wings are sore
tired of the fighting
tired of the falling to old 3D habits
i rose so high
no one is here with me but the spirits of the gods
i am alone physically on earth
my mind is on 9D
my soul is on 9D
my spirit is on 5D
i am alone trying to find the other kindred spirits
trying to find the other light beings who carry the same weight as i feel
even if they themselves don't understand or even know what this weight is
i cant be the only one
i can't be the only one
i can't be...
i spread my wings
i shine my light
i show my magic to the world
come find me my lost angels
come find me my lost brothers and sisters
come find me
know the old ways
know the magic and the light and you will find me there
you will find me there
i shine the brightest
for i am but a queen with fancy jewels and diamonds
the words fade away and there is nothing else that can be heard entering my mind
just a name can be heard
she wants to be known
she tells me
go ahead and tell the people who i am
for my name is Ninki...
spread my word
spread my words
spread the word
spread the words of the gods and the kings
this this is doing the great work
a fragment of the whole
you are continuing even after that hurtful event
you have once again proven yourself worthy to know a fragment of your soul it is ok if you cant remember all the details or even a specific memory so long as you carry out the orders of the one true king and you are even after that hurtful event even now you are doing the great work and that is all you need to worry about that is all you need to concern yourself with one day you will be united with the others patience is all you need they will find you they will know of you they will know nothing can hide forever the truth is out there hidden in plain sight i bid thee forward until we venture to the heavens again