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How I woke up to know I am a Starseed

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

November 12 ·



cool i have qualities from all the stars they listed... wow i am all over the place

neat multiple star seed here



Those who have Pleiades as their planetary origin are sensitive, loving and kind. There is a deep, abiding desire for peace and happiness for all. If one from Pleiades were asked what do you want out of life? They would likely say, “to be happy.” Pleiadians have a pleasant smooth energy which others enjoy being near.

They are emotional and loving, but tend to repress much due to their desire to please others. They are sensitive and react quickly to criticism. Pleiadians tend to sacrifice personal needs and wants while attempting to please others. This may cause inner resentment. Rather than expressing resentment or anger openly, Pleiadians may instead use passive aggressive behavior in hopes that their feelings will be noticed and responded to without the need for discussion. They must learn to realize others whom they seek to please would usually prefer to hear their feelings and needs.


Andromedan You're an Andromedan! Andromedan starseeds tend to work in areas that center on empowering and giving control back to individuals. They work in promoting food security, alternative and sustainable building, off-grid living, alternative energy sources, creative freelancing, artists, teachers, spiritualists and other occupations working to give freedom back to humanity. They may also engage in activism for social change, privacy and against imperialism, classism, racism and colonialism.


i have multiple star seed markings

i will just list the ones i have found out about

i have patterns from each one

i doubt i have all the signs for each one /shrug

Andromedan Starseeds

Apollonian starseeds

Arcturian Aliens

Lyran starseed

Pleiadians and Sirians Starseeds

how did i find out?

found myself on a youtube video that talked about starseeds - there are so many videos on this subject

then i found this website

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