love will NEVER unite us all
i reject love will unite us all
i call BS
i call DEMONIC thinking
I say you are all brainwashed into this new fad
so you're telling me to love the people who abuse me and troll me?
love will never unite me with people who abuse me
this is fucked up and stupid
sorry but i will never love the people who abused me
i will never love the trolls who cyberbully me
i reject love will unite us all because that is a flat out LIE
i banished the people who abused me, fed on me, and manipulated me
there are many forms of abuse
never love these energy vampires
never love the haters, abusers, and anyone who makes you angry or sad or any other negative emotion
apparently you forget this one rule you should have
never let the people drag you down and love them
you are wasting your time with that CRAP
why love someone who hates you, hurts you, abuses you, and feeds on YOUR happiness and peace of mind
you people are all brainwashed into believing it is ok to love your enemies when in fact your suppose to CUT these people out
cut out the toxic people
NEVER love them
love your REAL supporters of happiness and peace of mind
i forgave the EXPERIENCE but not the person
i do not need to forgive the person for hurting me
i will never surrender to the toxic people who abused me
maybe i am JUST that different in my ways of how i see, think, feel, speak, and act
because i got this one response.
"Forgive your enemies who hurt you because if you don't you will never heal"
i constantly see that trending quote
only thing is, i feel this is just telling me to look the other way and turn the other cheek
how about this
be more specific about what you are talking about
so i dont have to jump to these types of conclusions
this blog post was created when
i had a person barking to me about my comment about "so you're telling me to love my enemies...?"
i had to ask it because YOU told me "love will unite us all"
i HAD to make sure what was going on...
you had no right to bark at me and be a dick about it
i was not a smart ass to you so why be one to me
eh, maybe i was... because i said WTF and this is stupid...
i was annoyed at his "Love will unite us all and had to tell my story but in turn, i should have just asked the ONE question without the other drama...
yes, i am a hot head when it comes to specific things.
sorry but not sorry
my emotion is my gut and i use no filter when i should...
it is my fault i got him barking at me by HOW i spoke to him
how he handled it irritated me even more and i had to cut it off before things got worse
yes even i need to learn how to handle things better
still, doesn't make it right for either of us...
he could have not responded to me
he could have said hey what is your problem
or something...
instead he barked at me and shared his side of the story
how he handled it just irritated me more
i was a smart ass back in my last response to him which hinted at how i do not see eye to eye on this
i wrote these three responses back to this person who ruffled my fur
First comment
" sorry but our definition and outlook on this is COMPLETELY different. i have nothing to say for we will just end up arguing over this.. as you just said "why am i telling you anything for" and frankly i dont feel like starting a fight with you and you are testing my patience. goodbye and good luck on you loving your enemies who hurt you in the past by forgiving them"
next, i wrote
" for your information, I HAD TO MAKE SURE OF WHAT WAS GOING ON by asking that ONE question.
nice to know i should have just used one sentence instead of the more.... to get my point across of that ONE question
so we could have avoided this heated argument of whatever this was... bye"
finally, i wrote an apology message to myself to him
" apologize i should have handled that better instead of being a smart ass... so yeah - note to self, keep a question to one sentence and not other drama associated with it.. i was caught up in the moment and wrote from emotion... i should have kept my mouth shut.. thanks though for reminding me i should have done that"
in the back of my mind i was thinking this thought:
i would be wasting my breath explaining how I handle forgiving people who hurt me
obviously we are very different in how we handled these situations
being a dick about it though got my fur all ruffled up
sure the forgive your enemies is the normal thing i keep seeing again and again
i just have a very different viewpoint on it
how i handle these events is VERY different from the normies
sadly, i feel most people would be barking up the wrong tree and misunderstand my outlooks
even when i share my thoughts openly to the world, i notice, people either understand my thinking OR they stick with the norm ways and outlooks.
i try to be clear as possible to say, my views are just different than what we have all been taught
i say things differently
i think differently
i act differently
do you see that pattern in my uploads
be it photos or videos?
ending note
my ways are different
i am not of the norm
i make up my own rules
i follow the ways of the gods and of the old
that is what makes me different
in the end
i refuse to forgive anyone who hurt me
that is not love nor hate
it simply means i will NEVER surrender to that event and person by forgiving them
you're telling me to turn the other cheek and i REFUSE to do that
so yes, the norms say forgive that person by love so you can move on
unless that is not what they are saying to me
i do not speak human sadly
i respond and act differently than humans
i remind myself i will not turn the other cheek
maybe our definitions are JUST that different so i say these things
who knows
maybe that is ALL it is
i won't know unless someone tells me this exact comment
hey you know that is where your mistake lies and this is what is ACTUALLY going on
i simply forgive the EVENT
never the person
love will not unite us all
say this differently if you mean HEAL by forgiving the person
oh wait, you can't forgive the person. you are only forgiving the event
sorry that is just how i personally see this and what i preach
take it or leave it
one last thing
the person got back to me right when I finished the blog so I have to add this part in now…
lets start with this one sentence and see what happens
“why am i telling them any of this for”
it's best to read my First take on my comment that lead to the intro of this blog post the comment reads as follows:
“so your telling me to love the people who abuse me and troll me…? wtf.. that is fucked up and stupid. love will never unite me with people who abuse me. this is stupid sorry but i will never love the people who abused me...” end quote
they basically told me… why comment at all, go away.
And you wonder why I do not talk to people? THIS is why how they speak to me What they say they could care less about me speaking to them
I wont go into an open public chatroom and strike a conversation with a stranger for one they will probably end up ignoring me anyways or they want nudes lol
the kicker… I am inferring this into my own words
they told me I am a false lightworker who has demons only real lightworkers share only love
I call BS on that one I seen a person talk about how he was changing his ego from being right and spoke about what happened. How he was mad about his plane ticket price went up because of something his ego wanted to be right so he got mad to me that was shadow work and darkness and an inner demon this person spoke about other shadow work. To me this is inner demons you can call it shadow work I see it as both shadow work and inner demons
the fucked up thing about this is to tell me I am a false lightworker because I have my demons… is absurd no you are the demon for basically telling me off right from the start about how I should have not wrote back to his initial comment
my response to this is.. how dare you for call me a fake lightworker because I wont stand for your attitude and walked away now you act like if one does shadow work you are a false light worker because real light workers only share love and never darkness nor shadow
how about screw you for acting like a smart ass ever think about that?
I see, feel, think, and act differently than you does not give you the right away to be a dick to me
I do my shadow work just like everyone else who is AWARE of it this does not mean I am a fake lightworker a real lightworker to me SHARES both the dark and the light once again I call shadow work, inner demons I share all life lessons to the world and if that makes a false lightworker because I share the trinity of light, dark, and shadow work then I have nothing else to say to you other than. So mote it be.
My actual response to this person was that began this part of the blog was “do not mistake my battle scars for weakness and not light. you dont know anything about me and do not JUDGE ME because i did not judge you” end quote
pfft, they are trying to tell me they speak to there demons to make sure they dont become a hateful bastard to everyone. They are struggling to tell me they were only trying to help me they also said they did not judge me… then you should have not said True light workers share love and you have demons to my face I call that judgy tell me if I am wrong
how is ANY of your comments trying to “help” me
I ran out of responses to this person who is either really good at hiding they are in fact a real demon masking themselves as a lightworker or they are a crazy person who talks in circles
I am a real lightworker who is on 5D who speaks clearly about the actual higher wavelengths sure I share my shadow work, my inner demons and darkness
that dosnt make me any less of a light worker than you I share light I do not love my enemies I will forgive the events of hurtful experiences I wont surrender to the darkness I wont forgive people who abused me I am not a human I do not speak like one that should be obvious by now I will not stoop to these crazy accusations and run in circles
I said I was sorry for my hot headed response even after you told me off by saying why was I telling you any of this for
I apologize for my mistakes when I know I have done wrong if you continue to avoid that and say I need help then your barking up the wrong tree
I said I was sorry and know I need to be better at my responses to leave out my anger if you mistake my anger for hate then I cant help you with that after all, you already mistook my anger for hate when in fact I was not hating you
the point is this do not come at me with. I should not be talking to you mentality after I was a hot headed mess do not mistakes my anger for hating you you are now running in circles even though I apologize for my anger which you took as hatred
you are either not being very clear on what you actually mean or you honestly have no idea what is really going on here or I am the one who is in so much confusing and don't know what is actually being said
then again this person could be conveying: hey, I talk with my demons so I don't hate on anyone. Next time please do not be angry when you write to someone. By the way I do not want you talking to me at all about your personal inner demon stories. I was only trying to help you see your error. A true light worker only shares love not anger. Get control of that please.
End inferring statement
whoever this is needs to be more clear about the things they say or they are running in circles and not actually knowing what is going on or I am the one who is clueless and misunderstands everything
I call them a crazy person just look at their comments
was I the bad guy? I said I was sorry for my hot headed response of WTF and this is stupid to me, this was not hate. It was only anger.
I know these words are usually read as hate however I used them without hate this time around
I said WTF instead of the F bomb by itself
To me WTF indicates anger, amazement, shock, and confusement in this case I was using the word as outrage and confusement
stupid just means well… hate, annoyance with anger I said the event is stupid which would be annoyance with anger instead of sheer hate I did not say you are stupid which would indicate hate
Were they a demon person making as light? Could be because he said I should have not wrote to him in the first place I feel they are sugar coating the truth they are hiding what they actually are trying to say I feel they need to be clearer at what they are conveying to me
is this person a crazy person? Could very well be after all demons are insane already they are judging me when they in fact not judging me they do not want me to talk to them when they are trying to help me
by calling me a false lightworker by saying I have demons and sharing my anger towards them
followed up with, I should not be talking to them at all.