a new vision appears
a night sky
stars above
a man holds out his hand to me
as he says
come back to me, my child
why are you running away and so scared
what do you fear when you face your soul name
is it because you left me for another
is it because you left on that wild journey which now has turned into excitement turned regret
regret because you can no longer remember or access your past life
no something else is there
I already know how you feel about me
or I thought I did
considering I know your still working through your pain
come back to me and wake up
wake up in my arms once more
our clan needs you
the one can needs you
keep trying to ascend
I won't look down on you for our break up
no, I never held that against you
sure at first, I did but now…
tears can be seen falling from his face
please wake up and remember
I know you told me
you need and want to do this yourself
I know your struggling on this task
as it has been going on your whole life
that is why it is called reach godhood
after all
it won't happen overnight
he winks and turns to leave
a rainbow can be seen
a white bird can be seen flying to his hand
it lands on his hand
he pets it
seek the white light only
never other beings for it is false light and the devil will trick yee away from me
but you already knew that
you're smart for being gone from the upper dimension for so long
aye, your power
now reach even higher
we have a job to do
he bows and the vision fades
I know who you can be
but do you yourself know
he whispers to me before the vision fades completely
the voice falls silent
a crescent moon can be seen
a name appears as I see this god echo into my head