i am love
i am powerful
i am magical
i am divine
i am love
my light shines brighter than the sun
i am so bright
my soul blazes its passion and love
i am light
i am love
love with bliss
love with light
love and in love
there is no law above do what thou wilt
love is the law, love under will
i must learn to control my rage
do not let my rage blind me
i now know my intuition speaks to me through my emotions and so my ex was a fool to tell me i need to control my rage and that i was blinded by my rage....
i am so glad to be rid of all toxic people again
it feels good to return to balance
to return back into love
i am glad i listened to my soul
my soul speaks in rage
my soul speaks to me through my emotions
my emotions are my intuition
always listen to your gut
always go with what your soul is telling you
I am glad I can tell the difference between an enemy vs a real friend
Soul tribe vs people I don't vibe with