(facebook group name)
i cant actually believe i was thinking about a name change for months ago
i never went with the name
i forgot i even had this thought in my head
i wrote the post about it
i never went through with it
months later
that voice echoed in my head
change the group name to Galactic Federation Liberation Starseed(s)
looking back on this now.. Wow
here is the link to facebook
as proof
if facebook lets me use this long group name...
The new group name shall be known as:
Thelemic Starseeds Magical High Vibes Group
i tried to change the group name but Facebook was like... an error occurred please try again later
maybe i need to shorten the name...?
why must i create long titles....
i suppose i could just use Magical High Vibes Group
hey that could be by new website name... changed from Lightworkers to Thelemic Starseeds Magical High Vibes
or just use Thelemic Magical High Vibes
Saving these ideas for later
turns out i simply forgot about this
i went back and shared it into the group again
even then i never moved forward on these ideas
till that voice echoed in my head...
i am still looking for an update for my website URL name...
lightworkers is too generic ;)
i will keep it since wix likes to use my username with lightworkers...
this is the full URL that i have now
a long URL is a bad idea haha...
lightworkers it is
instead of changing it to Mystical bluelight ray or something
how about i just update the header
lightworkers brining spiritual growth
on second thought i will keep it where it is
or just replace lightworkers with my name :P
words to think about
Bluelight Ray
Galactic Federation of Light Liberation Starseeds
i call myself a mystic
i know i am a lightworker - alchemist, changing the darkness into light
reminding you how to heal yourself, advice giver, motivation, inspiration, etc
i was told i am a rainbow child
i was also told i happen to be one of the bluelight ray souls
mystical bluelight liberation starseed lightworker
eh that is way to long...
four words...
mystical starseed lightworker
yep i cant fit liberation in here :P