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inspiration collection 1

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

posts came from the facebook group <3


never give up

always try

always aim to be better

don't be discouraged, press on



much love everyone

keep on rocking your song



the storms are calming

you came out anew

peace and strong-willed

calm during the storm



ahhh feel that high vibe of love and bliss

i enjoy this group so much

I hope you too are having fun here



when reading allowed i start to feel the vibrations of what i am reading... more than when i read in my head...



i noticed this while reading my blog posts and when i was reading the book of the law...

even though i never finished that book on video and i don't think i will now since i moved away from that religion

the book of the law is the bible to thelema...

you can see why i wont go back to it since i moved beyond this stepping stone

in simple terms... i no longer feel connected to their books



i find so much magic and spiritual in photos i just love sharing them in here



sending you love, light, and blissful energies

much love everyone

keeping that vibe high - 5D



i love that i am feeling the love from what i put out... from what i share

i love doing my videos and blogs



do not be afraid to lose people on your path of enlightment

the ones who stay behind are not worth your time or effort anymore



i love what i have done with my page and this connected group

can't wait to see what it grows into next



stay positive

stay love

be at peace

be in harmony with yourself



who else finds it hard to distinguish between these two:

love as a friends vs asking you on a date



Doing what I do

Full of light

Full of love

Shining brightly

Speaking my truth

Sharing my higher wisdom

Sharing my love

Not seeking to date

There is a fine line between the two types of love

I love you as a friend

I do not love you as a BF nor can I

People ask to date me

Based on this love I give out

But alas it is friendship not dating

I still speak kind words

Sharing my love no matter what happens

I shine so bright

Men who ask me out even after I tell them but alas my heart belongs to another

These men are lust

These men say they love me before knowing me

These men assume I would blindly date them knowing I say

You are love

No my dear

I am reminding you with my light

That you ate full of love

I am not flirting

Nor am I asking you out or giving such signals

You say you love me but made no move to get to know me

I reject your lower vibrational ways to ask me out

I rose so high you fail to see how to appreciate me

Only the people with high vibes and respect can understand

I rose above the modern way to date

I give myself the utmost respect

I am love

I am divine

I am powerful

I respect my heart

I respect my body

I respect my mind

I respect my soul

Above all I respect my spirit

I am old fashioned

Grab a drink and pull up a seat

Let's talk and see if we are going in the same direction in life

Do we align

Are we compatible

I could go on but you get the gist of it

I am not typical

I am not ordinary

I am wild

I soar with dragons

I Stand with lions and wolves

I doubt a person like you could understand a warrior goddess

A queen such as myself

You say you love me yet your actions speak of lust and blindly asking me out before knowing anything about me

You judge me like a cover

Which tells me you only loved my looks and fell in love with my body at first sight

Typical men

Can't see beyond the physical plane

Can't see soul

Can't see spirit

Deleted me after I rejected him again

Asking me to play his game

But idk what you like

Plz tell me

Sorry I don't blindly date men

If they know nothing

I see why you deleted me after I told you

If this is a date I am not interested

Do you always flirt with all the girls like that.

Saying you love them and their body

Loving what they post but won't comment except to ask them out

What a sheep

What a shame you are on a much lower frequency than me and you can't even see how wrong you are in the way you ask women out

I know I jumbled my experience with these trolls with my higher wisdom

I hope you can see the mistakes these men make

These players and chasers

I hope you gained something from this jumbled up post.

To me this was a personal healing message as I was still getting over this guy

He asked me out once

I rejected him

2 weeks later

He asks me out again

Flirting the same way

Did he talk to me between those two weeks? No he did not

He says love but never spoke afterwards

The second time I rejected him

He decided to delete me

That showed me he is a player and probably flirts to all the women like that

I had other experiences like this and they all end up the same way

Ending comment

I hate fast paced dating this modern world accepts now

I am an ancient soul

I disagree with blindly dating

I take blindly dating as a disrespect to me

Especially when you use the word love to ask me out

It tells me you only love the surface of my body and my looks

Enough said?

I apologize for this twisted blog post

Maybe its my ego why I reject blind dating

No, that is not it. It cant be that...

I give myself respect and that is why I reject these sheep...

Never stoop to their level

I rose above them

They are but ill will

They are the opposite of love

I have finally exhausted all my resources and have ran out of things to say



Laying in my bed being all cozy

Then that long blog post poured out of me

Healing me/ sharing my wisdom



been seeing lot of wings lately:

pictures - fantasy art

in my trances

also my spirit guide with his wings

now i saw a post in here about feeling wings

i am pretty sure the universe is trying to tell me something

that angels are around me

what else can wings mean if you see them a lot?



i adore this group

fantasy mixed with wisdom/ knowledge

lots of love and magic

a wonderful mix of content we have here it



never apologize for being yourself

from how long you talk on a subject or how you explain anything

you have nothing to be sorry for

you are being you



when a person gets under your skin & your always angry LEAVE this person ASAP

your energy will thank you as you reclaim your peace



hank you law of attraction

letting the people know about my group and the work i do

be it on facebook or youtube



when you love what you do

everything falls into place

be happy, be love, be bliss



i love sharing my spirit blog posts on video - YT

learning to be a motivational speaker is hard but worth it



love this group

bring on more high vibes

we got this



feeling old energies fading away

out with the old and in with new and more positive vibrations

much love



go, stand out

be different

let the world know your light, your awesomeness, your weirdness

all power to you

let your voice be heard by a thousand ears

never stop on the account of deaf ears

the right people will show themselves

i love making my spirit vlogs

even when i dont have many people listening to me

i make do with who does

what matters is what you love to do

make it count



you can't go back to the matrix

once you wake

your constantly evolving

new worlds appear - magic, 5D, Spirit, Soul, love, and bliss

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