story time
i am not celebrated where i am physically
i feel more of a burden then anything
i left all my friends behind as i grew more and more into the spiritual path and saw things i did not like
when i was done with HS i saw they were fake friends
they pretended to be my friend in school but when it came outside of school. we never hung out or anything
i left them and blocked them on facebook
i grew tired of hiding my knowledge and wisdom
i created a new facebook and behold i was much happier
in spirit i know i am loved by the gods i believe in
i know my holy guardian angel loves me and won't leave me just because i left that religion i found him through
one day i will be surrounded by people who love me for me, who cares about my well being
i left all the people who cared about lust and my physical heal
what about my spiritual health and mental heal i asked myself
they could care less
i left them behind for new friends and created my youtube channel, my facebook page, facebook group, and my website
best decision i ever made
spreading my love, wisdom, and knowledge throughout the world
through the law of attraction
knowing that the right people will find me and share with me
being around like-minded people and supporters
numbers don't matter to me
i know some trolls will find me and i remove them
remember, it is what we feed our energy into
be love
be divine
be happy
be bliss
ignore the trolls
ignore the haters
block out the 3D world
embrace the 5D high vibes of love and bliss and so much more
my journey is not over
i will continue onward
no one can walk my path for me
i do the work
i walk my path
i have friends in the spirit world
i have friends i have yet to meet and i welcome them with open arms when that day comes
i am here doing my mission
i will not give up
i will push ever forward
never stopping
healing old wounds
healing new wounds
maintaining my health both physically and spiritually
breathing in love
breathing out hate
breathing in love
breathing out sadness
i am love
i am powerful
i am divine
i am bliss
i am love
utmost holy love
love with love
love with light
i am magical