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My community names - Beta

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

Step 1:

what is your group about?

why are you creating this group?

what do you hope to achieve?

Step 2:

the group is to enlighten people

just another lightworker doing the great mission

i am here to pass on my higher wisdom to the masses

i am here to find other like-minded people

i am here searching for my star family

by doing what i do - they will find me if they align with what i have to offer

i have not been able to find people by searching for them

instead, i have found other people by what i share openly

they were drawn to me

they aligned with what i had to say

from this, i found other people of my star family

my efforts are towards 5D awakening



find the other people who feel similar to the way i feel


to better help you understand what i am going for

i will ask you these questions

  • do you feel an attachment towards angels, dragons, fairies, light beings, royal blood, gods, goddesses, Anunnaki, or Budah

  • Any Pantheon will work

maybe even the native people to that land...

(idk anything really about those native people be it from Australia or the states or other place)

  • do you feel a connection to magic

  • Wikka, Reiki, Witch Doctor, or other


me, i am a messenger of the angels

my magic is in the words i share and in anything i do

like you, i am working towards evolving to 5D

i say no to evil

i do not look the other way

i block haters, bullies, and negative people

i will not love strangers until i know you are a being of light

i am a Leo at heart

for those who stay with me

you are blessed by my energy and teachings

i am a lightworker

i am here trying to find others who feel similar

i believe in 5D

i feel the gods did walk this earth and are real

i feel i have a guardian angel

i feel angelic beings are real

i feel there are angel messengers

i meditate

i have trances

i have visions

i am an empath - which i need to empower more

i am sensitive to evil energies

i pay attention to how people and places make me feel

i believe in candle work - Wicca magic

i believe in gemstones having mystical powers - example protections

i believe in sage

i feel a strong connection with the Egyptian Pantheon

i am drawn to dragons, angels, light beings

i feel like maybe i was a royal in a past life

i am an old soul

i believe in reincarnation


i hope to dispel the evil by exposing it to others who can see it too or at least make them think

there is so much evil in the world

can you see it

can you feel it

i am looking for the people who have stayed with the light and not went evil or was born of demon blood

soul races:

  • light being

  • human

  • demonic

you can not change your soul race

you only become what you are and woke up as that part


me, i woke up as a light being because i am a light being

i tried going to darkness and it made me go insane... well almost

i tried being something i was not and that made me go very unbalanced

i had a war on the inside

this was another time i went through dark night of the soul


goals of the group:

i enlighten people who want to reach 5D

who feel they are from a higher dimension

who feel homesick because earth is not their original home

we swap spiritual awakening stories

we swap spiritual memes

sharing stories

asking questions

sharing ideas

we say no to evil and demonic people

we bless our own star family - may you be apart of it

feel the light

know thy light

we are looking for Nobel hearts

unchanged innocent people by this cruel world

we collect and share the knowledge that will help us reach 5D

angelic order - comes to mind

magic is our birthright

be it in dance or healing words or empowerment

we do not harm innocent people

we are looking for the people who still believe in the angel heart

who still follow the light codes

you might not even know you are a being of light

so many of us are sleeping in this foreign human body

i call you children of light

many paths have become twisted and corrupted

the demons have amped up their game and are cracking down even harder now

they fooled me until i met an angel messenger who woke me up

i simply aligned with what was said and it made sense to

i hope to pass this on to others

once you are awake

you start to see through the lies and false light

i am here to share that with you

if you align you align

if you hate on the truth i share then you are not a child of light

keyword - hate

demons make fun of the real light and truth

they will try and remove the real truth

anyone who attacks the truth is of evil seed

for instance

i was asked if i was on drugs because of the light i shared

the truth i had spoken

they do not align with my light and so they tried to banish my thoughts by saying i was on drugs

in that moment i knew they were not of the light

anyone who causes trouble, disrupture of our sanctum will be removed from our group

no drama allowed

arguments will happen

that is a given

if you are doing it just to harass

that is our of the question

a person kept being out of line and kept annoying the admin till the point he was kicked out of the group

he acted up and got the boot

no class clowns allowed


now we know the goals of the group

we can hope to achieve a name

lionheart royals

angel soul royals


Peristeria Elata - holy ghost orchid

fang of the dragon

Children of Light

Star of the dragon

Star of the angels


the work i do is dedicated to the gods

i am but a messenger


do you feel drawn to this symbol?

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