He tried to attack my heart chakra with hate and anger again
I ca feel his darkness lingering
My light is brighter and stronger
I will prevail
I won't allow his darkness to effect me
I won't let him drag me down
I am in disbelief still
Just wow
A girl can't get a compliment from a guy without pissing the same guy off
He gave me compliments to me and he told me I need to stop when I gave Smile, Grin, and yes♥ back - saying thank you or i agree with you. at every turn he told me off.
Why bother saying those things to begin with?
I did the right thing by blocking this troll
Lessons learned
I came back stronger
I came back brighter than before
I won't stop my rise
The darkness came knocking on my door
It tried to vile me up and lose my focus of doing my true will
HA, not going to happen
Those who are against the law of love and of will are my enemy
I won't take their BS
Bye bye darkness
I feel peaceful
Knowing I have gotten rid of that person on my Facebook
Vibe is back to normal ♥