stage 1 figuring out what works for the theme i am going for
stage 2
mess with sky settings change sky ambient it changes the color of the objects in the sky
stage 4
changing the color of the water
changing the render option from low to higher settings
stage 5
make the canvas size bigger
move the sky objects if needed
need to move the sky object into the skybox rather than be closer to the ocean unless i keep it the way it is...? i can also move the object closer or further away from the camera there is a lot of change that can happen when changing the canvas size
stage 6
do i want the objects more in the sky than hovering over the ocean
i know i need the objects further apart from each other
stage 7 - bugs now i need to make the canvas bigger so i can move the right objects further away from the left object
apparently, when i said i changed the canvas size... it actually stayed the same?... yep looks like the change failed lol
i moved the object further away from each other - thinking the canvas size was bigger that is why the object ran off the screen
it should have looked like this
with this one, i moved the object a bit back - away from the camera i moved it to the right further away from the left object
i made the canvas bigger but not the right change
i used a 1200x800 when i needed it closer to 1920x1080 the 800 should have been closer to 1080
see the error?
i only noticed it after the render was done
side note
i always found it hard to change the canvas size in this program
i click on the resolution i want thinking it changed to it but that is not the case
you have to TYPE it in the box so when i clicked on a MAX default size it rendered up to 1200x800 instead of what i was wanting it went from minimum default size to the 1200x800
stage 8
waiting on the telescope resolution size to be done
image size now is 3603x1533
its closer to that 1080 that i want but not quite there
this telescope size is the biggest in the program without me typing a random number in
stage 9 what image size do i want?
well the sky loses hight on this one
4:3 ???
what happened to the sky?
why did it shrank?
also there is no difference other than the water noise changed a little
welp didn't know i was changing the aspect ratio of the image...
standard 4:3 :P
so i don't know what it was when i did this one render...
it could have been default ratio but idk
stage 10 time to render small images again on all ratio formats to see which sky is the biggest
Default ratio
small ratio
oh maybe it was this ratio
max recommended 2.131 : 1
square box
0.70 : 1
all the aspect ratios in the program
4:3 - done
2.131 : 1 - done
4:3 - done
1:1 - done
4:3 - done
8:3 - done
13:4 - done
17:22 - done
17:28 - done
0.70 : 1 - done
3:2 - done
3:2 - done
27:20 - done
18:13 - done
5:3 - done
4:3 - done
8:3 - done
3:2 - done
11:4 - done
10:7 - done
46:21- done
47:20 - done
the ratios i decided on 4:3
1:1 - the square
0.70 : 1
10:7 ?
18:13 ?
27:20 ?
4:1 x2100
need to move the object into sky more i could also shrink it and move it away from the camera
leave the left object alone or make it bigger?
ideas shrink the right object move the right object up and left - towards the left corner
rotate the left object?
same ideas as before
idea 2
duplicate right object - move and rotate it upwards and right
no rotation needed may need to shrink it down a bit though i am shrinking the right object now
on second thought i like the effect before i shrank the object
luckily i could undo it
i kinda want to move the high object to the right a tiny bit but at the same time i kinda don't lol
i settled on this one
final versions it came down to between these two options