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none can turn you away as you do your true will and the great work.

Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

I wrote this long post while in a trance. I divided it into parts as each has its own theme and voice behind it... 5D voices, my higher self and my guides...

Part 1 the beginning - Higher Self is speaking

fight ye warriors of light

show no mercy to the dark ones that plight this world

change the darkness into light

shine so bright that you cast no shadow nor darkness!

be free to do your own true will along with the great work

this you shall do and no other shall say nay to you

follow the path

follow your soul

follow your spirit

down this curvy road

you may have bad days

you may have positive days

all hard roads lead to happiness and pleasure

follow that of love

follow that of the law of will

no other shall say nay unto you


for you are doing your true will

for the law is do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

love is the law, love under will




three times over


shining so bright







flowing like water

going with the flow

i am

i am

i am

i control my own reality

i shape my own waking thought

i am what i say i am

doing my true will

doing the great work

that i am

that i am

no other can say nay unto me


for i am but a shining star

blue is my color

i am a healer

words i use to heal

words i use to love

words i use to share my wisdom and knowledge with

none can turn me away

for i have the inertia of the universe backing me

as i do my true will

as i do the great work

raising mankind spiritually with that of love

destroying the darkness

destroying the anger

destroying the fear

restorying balance

restoring happiness

restoring bliss

restorying love

love is the law, love under will

love and in love

love with bliss

love with light

i am more than my ego

i am more than my physical body

i am love

i am light

i am powerful

i am divine

i am almighty

i am love

do what thou wilt is the whole of the law

love is the law, love under will


Part 2 - the voice was fading or it was just plain murky... not sure why i included these two sentences

starry sky

sweeping hollow


Part 2.0 - Higher Self Continues

nothing can turn you a blind eye

as you shine so bright

your light waking up the masses who see the glimpse of the sparkle and the magic that you give off

your voice

your energy is all powerful

use them wisely

use them with love

use them with bliss

none shall deny your passion

as you glow with love and light

as you glow with passion

as your heart is filled with joy and bliss and full of passionate light

you are shining like a star

you are a star

every man and every woman is a star

stardust fills your body

the stars are within you

see your light

make it grow



and brighter

so bright that there is no darkness nor shadow

only love and bliss remain




three times over rejoice

dancing in the wind

dancing in the water

dancing under the sun and moon

blissfully dancing

shining love

shining star

shining soul

none shall turn you away

as you do your true will and the great work

do what thou wilt is the whole of the law

love is the law, love under will




shining light

stooping starlight

blazing sun


Part 3 - new voice enters - higher self or another female...

whispers on the wind

heed the call o children of man

heed the call

hear us

oh hear us

whispers on the wind

tickles the soul


Part 4- male voice enters

find us

find us

find us

yes find us





part 5 - higher self answering the male voice?

your soul has it inside you

yes deep inside you

symbols are but keys to doors unknown

to a world of magic and mystery

a world not known by many

sleeping spirit

sleeping soul




stooping starlight

no shadows

nor darkness


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