i been trying to meditate for years now and my brain wants to continue to remember. i read you have to still an image and bring it back each time you lose sight of it. i tried that and failed. it is very difficult for me to quite my mind.
i normally meditate an hour before i sleep or so
even during the day i find my brain being "busy"
in other words, the brain is very distracted and can not focus on the task at hand. it is preoccupied.
how i manage to record my trances is when my spirit compelled me. the feeling of i "need" to do this
then my brain focuses on the task at hand
i never understood the feeling of i "need" to do this.. i simply do and not question it but looking back i do wonder about it
~feel free to share your experiences
~ have you tried to meditate?
~what are your techniques to enter a trance?
(someone suggested i use a blindfold to meditate with)