it is nearly impossible to not attach to yourself to a person you vibe with
friends, pets, family, etc
for a person to say to me do not attach to someone because anything can change at any giving moment
due to 11 11 11
people come and go all the time
it is nearly impossible to not attach to someone you get along with
its just normal
to actually say do not attach to someone because of 11 11 11
is ... well i disagree with this person and think they are silly to even approach me with this
the kicker?
if they were trying to say to me they were going to block me after saying we were tribe.. i guess they warned me because that is exactly what happened to me. i am still hurt after they said we were family, i vibed with them and then they block me... it still stings but i am over it
to say your crazy
you just do not see their point of view
that is why i disagreed with the person who told me do not attach to anyone because of 11 11 11
obviously they lied to me about being my tribe and i attached to her only for her to block me for no reason - no message just a block
she must have warned me about her blocking me...,
i know they were not my tribe because she ended up blocking me shortly after entering my life
i vibed with her
i loved talking to her and what she was sharing with me
only to leave me with no message and a block
that is low and cold
she lied to me about being my tribe
actions speak louder than words
energy speaks the loudest
i felt her energy and everything i felt said we were tribe
i was deeply mistaken
in the end she stabbed me in my back and deleted our friendship
yeah she must have warned me about being blocked by her....
i am sorry to share this with you my friends
anything can change at any given moment
to attach to your tribe is... natural and normal
for me it is impossible for me not to attach to these people i vibe with
it might be true for you but not for me
once again i am sorry to share this sob story with you
i will get over what happened
it still stings
i disagree with her statement and took it as a warning for what she was going to do to me...