My power grows with each passing day
for you to only see my fails
to only see my struggles
to only see my past
to only see the pain
you know nothing of my power
you know nothing of my light
you know nothing of my soul
how dare you judge me on the negative side only
see the bigger picture
know both sides of the story
know everything first
before you judge me
before you accuse me of my wrongs and folly
you only see half of the picture
know more before you give your final judgment
I am more light than you know
I am more bright than you can see
I am shinning where others have failed
I never gave up
I continued to push
where so many have stopped and felt the kiss of death
death to their soul
death to their light
I rose out of the ashes
I become more
for I had to
if I did not…
who would I be but a dying star
who has become a dead star
a dead star who could do more harm than good
words are failing me so I bid thee farewell
until we meet again – my personal mind