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Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

new voice echos into my mind:

oh children of light

oh child of pure stardust

continue your lessons

move ever towards the light

unto heaven

unto grace

unto the stars

unto the upper dimensions

you are one of us

never forget this

oh child of the lost and forgotten souls of the Annunaki

I say this for so many have forgotten they are one of us

they are still asleep

help us awake and find the others

for the mission continues and we need you

oh child of the king of kings

for thee have his light inside you

for he is the father of all of us

as we are cousins

I bid thee farewell

oh sister of light

we need you…

and the voice falls silent

a waterfall can be heard and seen

a lady stands there

she bows to it and prays these words so my ears can hear her words echo into my mind

she turns to leave

she hugs a man as he walked up behind her so quietly

so he would not disturb her prayers

a hug so strongly…

a loving embrace

the vision fades

winds from left to right can be seen as the vision fades into the winds…

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