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Writer's picture: amarathystamarathyst

I am surprised you found me via youtube. (the view count shows hardly anyone notices me lol ) sorry that's a lil weird to start off with.

oh you came from my first account before i made my new account and rebooted

considering i am not a thelemamite anymore.

I also don't really practice. Thelema anything now days other than do your mission and make it your true will - thing.

I'm more Spiritual from other walks of life. mix and match. make my own path and walk it.

Aye I had or I think I have two versions of the LBRP up

either way it was done for complete noobs and slow it down and really explain it

as I usually do with any of my videos since a person asked me to basically dumb it down for him and give him word meanings and really slow down so he could grasp it.

I only did that with tutorial videos mostly

my format is whatever enters my head I speak and then it goes off track then back again… so yeah long drawn out explanations on that front as well lol

anyways, not many people feel a connecting to me

my aura is just too powerful – it seems lol

yesterday I was met with a crazy person

he talked about magic and rituals for him getting blessings and money so he could basically stay out of his body longer and longer.. or some weird nonsense like that

he was not the same person I known when I first met him and he vanished on me for 3 months and showed back up with all this insane talk and giving me false acusations saying I was cursed because he thought my life was hell and bad people keep coming to me and trolling me

he failed to see my blessings

he failed to see how I work my magic

he failed to see that the gods I follow have indeed blessed me

I cant rally put into words how I use my magic other than words just enter me and I write them down

same with trances from doing light language and I see images in my mind

aye at the time of that video I was still working through stage fright and maybe even now but as time went on. It went less and less stage fright as I got into my grove more and more

even then I was strong and now I am stronger so that crazy guy is false when he said I did not ascend higher when we last spoke… then again im pretty sure he is not the same soul I was talking to before he vanished on me for three months. Just another crazy guy trying to judge me by saying he was warning me. don’t shoot the messenger as they say.

Most people can not see how powerful I am. Only a few people have done so. You are one of those few lucky people who have seen the power that I possess.

Finding your feet in any medium can be tricky. To find the inner fire is also a difficult road to self discovery.

My daily affirmation has been work with my light and holy guardian angel

before I figured that out, nothing else really worked for me

I rely on my power

I am divine

I am powerful

I am magical

I am 5D

when I fall out of tune with my light

only then do I notice I am not at full strength

I am dragon magic

I am angel magic

I am a phoenix who continues to evolve and rise from the many “deaths” that I had over gone

oh I have many spiritual blog posts I have made and shared. Be it on my website, Instagram, and on YT

guess I did put it to words on how I use my magic

not just my words but my light as well

Sorry for the late response.


Ah I didn't think you would do sacrifice rituals. When I met people who admitted they do that… I feel a strange aura feeling within them. I didn't feel that with you but had to comment on this, regardless. Glad I didn't offend you with it.

Aye, the hardest to find is the most special

I do cherish each moment with new people I meet even if they wind up being a troll and not a blessing.

With you I wasn't sure where you were coming from at first. Since last time I met with a person who talked about magic.. they ended up saying, let me drink your blood for magic purposes or something very weird like that. They also said I looked just like this woman from Thelema. He was not the first to admit this but… I don't think you would be a negative blessing to me.

Considering what I have read thus far.

I must be near the bottom of each search list lol. As I dont have any comments on most of my videos. And my tagging must be bad too lol… still, you somehow found me.

It must be for a reason. Since it was rather difficult to find me.

I do agree people need to be aware of every little detail and not just the common sense ones. He was wrong to judge me like that. He was not the first sadly. The other guy said I was hiding from my pain with every post I would write and share. I got fed up and blocked him as he was twisting my words into something they were not. Said a god sent him. Another person tried to deceive me into converting into their pantheon to find an answer. When I saw what was happening I instantly blocked him. He came back though with a new account to tell me I was this god’s destiny child. I felt no connection to the name or his pantheon he came from… I did not write back and blocked the guy.

Other people were bots :P

yeah its been crazy these past three months.

With you I don't feel anything like I did from before when people approached me saying from magic or messenger or a connecting. I feel your more curious about magic more than anything. Like the inner fire that I have. I cant really put it to words, yet.

The only ego I have is apparently wanting to be noticed on YouTube for my spirit blog. Lol I’m not the only person who feels the same way. The motions of being an artist. I want to be heard, I want to be seem. I do get jealous/ envious of other people I follow but I never let it go to my head. My fans and friends are on the same level as me. I am not above anyone. Even if I feel I am above closed minded people.

Aye magic is a form to create into being. You make your own realty. Delete ego and anything that holds one back from true self. I noticed I am not really affected by human needs and desires much. What I mean is anything negative I toss out. Anything that upsets the balance I remove. I try to be true to my soul. I use terms of 3D and 5D a lot in my works..

that's peer pressure for you. Since I hardly have friends I am mostly free of this.

What you described is basically what I have done. Its just hard for me to explain these things.

If I do have strong visualization I am simply not aware of it. Or can not put it to words even though it is exactly what I am doing. I call it my higher self, intuition, spirit ETC. I know it is my magic I just have a real hard time putting it into words.

I tried thelema magic but when I kept reading and studding those books. I kept seeing demonic influences. I only did the LBRP a couple of times.

I took some information from what I learned and made my own thing.

Your not the only one who feels thelma magic does not speak to me.

I was never fond of sexual magic anyways. Lets just say I was burned by men to many times and they were not a real love. With that said I have no use for sexual energy now even if my… no that is just putting it into my head which is probably wrong…. I was going to say, if my magic was stronger when I did allow sexual energy to thrive… vs now without. That just goes back to that judgmental prick. Said I did not ascend or get stronger and my energy is still weak or weaker…

when I did use sexual energy it was never towards visualizations to be better lol

I hear sexual energy is tied to creativity as well but I just don't see it

yeah this thought is clearly wrong… the only thing I notice is… the good feeling, no thoughts of sexual anything, no self love through the act of… there are other ways to feel or be loved by the gods you believe in and sexual energy is just one of them. I no longer use the sexual energy towards that since. Lets just say I am still searching for myself and to figure things out.

My hunch was right, you rather get to know my inner flame than to use me for your own agenda or to claim something that is not there.

My mission comes first

I have been called Gypsy and Hippie

I want good friends to hang with

I share my inner and higher wisdom to the world

in hopes of finding other people from my soul tribe

the other people I could connect with

above all, have fun

Goals in life:

grow my fan base – again who would not want this when you create something XD

find other people I connect with or let the people find me

share my light with the world – already doing that ;)

ascend higher than where I am already – a long process I am already in

remember my past life/ figure out why I woke up from blackness

I am working towards is this one name… a part of my soul story

I have gone through my ideas on what I could do in life but it always goes back to what I am already doing.

I am no entertainer lol yet I have tried to record Let’s Play series – solo. I did spread some wisdom into them. Its just a different format and I never know what to say… I just need to find my mojo in that format.

The most important thing to me would be my magic. Without it I would not be who I am today. Which goes back to be true to my soul.

Be in balance

spread my light

spread my inner and higher wisdom

be in peace

be in balance

be on 5D for I am so close to it

unlocking more of myself

I expose demons

I expose false light

I enforce the ways of the old gods for I walk with them



Glad you are enjoying our conversations and writing to me

long ago I use to write in groups and on forums to random people

that all changed when I changed my faith

from a satanic person who saw satan as a symbol only

to a person who was trying to find which pantheon they felt a connection to

then came Thelma then came not Thelma

now comes, light path and inner spirit

I use to approach people

as my faith started to change

I found that people were distancing themselves from me more and more

I eventually stopped writing in groups, to people, and on forums

in fact, people were ignoring me

I would write on posts and people would ignore me but not other people who would respond to the same post as I did

I got fed up and stopped

if I did have people talking to me, it was because they wanted to date me

that happened a lot to me

I now have only two real people I talk to

the rest sadly went MIA with this virus, only commented, or went fake on me

though this is nothing new to me

my friend often jokes that I am just too powerful and my light is too strong

I can only assume that you have maybe felt this before I even spoke about it

aye, I am a free spirit and so many people forget what it is like. They rather do what others do. Do what is trending and follow, follow, with no second thought.

Lost souls

lost minds

sleep walking and not being alive or to even know what that is

we are dealing with demon souls in human bodies

humans follow the darkness rather than embracing the light

then you have the other people who actually embrace spirit but still do evil things

you can not change your soul race, you only become what you are the whole time

I tried being something I was not and almost lost my mind because of it

until I woke up and saw what was going on

that is when I realized

sex magic is basically lost to mankind

I have never found the right person to be only about light

it just became lust and more lust

in the end I guess that is what drove me to giving my sexual energy to a pantheon but ultimately got lost

the sex magic went from… whatever it is to just desire and love

until I said no more as it was just lust in the end

so im not too fond of sex magic

sure I had people share the quotes of what sex should be about

but I have yet to find the right person

and right now, I do not care to find him

sex magic is not at my core anymore

as I lost the basics and went only to desire and lust

or maybe its because I never found a true lover, to begin with

I was told, maybe I am single for a reason

I am down with it

I am happier than when I was dating online


yes, you either make and live in hell

or you wake up and say no more

you shape your life

you make decisions that lead you down or up

most can never see this

they rather do the easy thing

they are a tree who refuses to move

doing the easy way out

being lazy

being cons

being evil

they think they can justify it but being evil can never be justified

I heard a man who prays to god… says to another person, ima kill you

how is that ok to say?

Just because you ask for forgiveness does not mean you deserve it

so the world continues to be in chaos for the demons made it that way

demon souls hidden in human bodies

rule this world

I have met many demonic souls

I block them all as they show their true faves to me

yes people play characters

you either become something you are not and stay that way

or you say no more

people fall in love with an idea

a character that does not truly exist

and people wonder why they break up

you harm someone

you break their heart

you manipulate them

you change and became a different character

or you wake up and be true to you

so you lose everyone around you

but this character goes everywhere

people are programmed

to be a certain way

lost in the matrix – as they say

be at a job they hate

have kids you didnt want with the person you didnt want

so on and so on

its so hard to find true love in this broken world

the world is broken and yet people see me as the alien and broken for I do not follow the way of life that is on earth in the here and now

its hard for me to put this to words…

I do not belong in this current time

I often say that the world is backwards

I use to talk about this stuff with a person but he was a narcissism type of person. He also lied to me about how he thinks of me. He says I am wrong about saying black vs white. Evil vs good. He saw the racism war when ever I mentioned this.

The thing is… its demons vs light beings… has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

Many black people are demonic souls but some blacks are good…

this person could not get past this steeple thinking. Says he is on higher thinking but he just lied to himself since he does what lower thinkers do…




and other things that tore me and him apart

glad he is out of my life because he lowered my vibration rather than uplifting me

with that said I see the real war that is going on

not many have the eyes

not many have the ears

I was reading the emerald tablets of Thoth which spoke about.. how to really know someone

and so much other information

I should go back and finish reading that book

I honestly dont know much about Thelema but what I do see is demonic influenced

I made a post about it over on instagram

still cant believe a guy approached me to say.. . I want to drink your blood for magic

I was also told to listen to a husband without question and actually go back in time when the wife would do just that… the old days… where woman had really no say in matters. No woman rights

he told me to basically follow every command and order without question to a husband

and I saw that as being enslaved

and said it was all because of Thelma – whatever… I cant put this to words , I just call it as I see it

sure they took an ancient sexual energy and turned it into something that it is not

be a slave to a husband – NO WAY!

I see sex as the old… divine energies

but that too has lost sight

so many want lust and desire

rather than the pure form of what sex should be about

yes, you are told to be a certain way

programmed to be this way

listen and follow

rather than think for yourself

to find what you are

I too had to go through that

I fell out of the loop – somehow

and found myself

through many trials

not many get to this stage

and stay asleep

as they are zombies and robots

dead brains

going through the motions and not being free

not being alive

staying asleep

or they turn con and fake being spiritual

those are the worst ones

I met a person like that once.. turns out the person was crazy

society tells you who you need to be

free will is but gone

you are now programmed

welcome to earth

where you stay in hell


being a robot

followering rather than leading

this is not the way of upper dimensions

I can only assume… this earth life is only on earth…

oh dont get me started with a couple who….

Woman does everything for the man to make him happy

man thinks he is god

man is still not happy no matter what he tells her to do

man goes away to meet another woman behind her back

man has double life

man abandoned his GF and kid

man gets married to this new woman

but still lives with his ex GF and kid

man disowns his kid for he did not tell the kid he was getting a wife

man is a demon hiding in a human body

for the man always lies

can not tell the truth to save his life

man abuses

man is a control freak

man manipulates

woman tries to leave

man prevented her from leaving

man bullied her into thinking she cant sue him for child support

woman tries again to leave

man says ima call the cops if you take my car

woman tries to talk to him about her moving

man gets pissed and walks away

ignoring her

is the woman in the wrong here?

No, for she is not a demon soul while the man is

the man must enjoy living like this and making the woman and kid live in hell and missery and suffering

the man wont acknowledge your complains

for he is the devil and you are nothing more than a pawn so he can dance with satan

like you said most humans enjoy making other people suffer

you can see the grins of evil on their faves

and they wonder why the world is broken

look around you

but they are too stupid to even understand

for all they see is death and destruction

and they enjoy the drama and chaos of the world

as they ask aimlessly

why is this happening to me

why is their so much hate


so many dumb people in the world

they cant rise for they are what they are and can not change

they only become what they are deep inside

true love is without judgmental thoughts, drama, petty fights… status… greed, like you said

with me I kept finding the red flags

for they could not see me

just a false mask they thought I was

and so I stopped trying to find real love and real friends

for all I kept finding was rocks

who lowered me

who did not appreciate me

who hated my posts

that guy I mentioned early he even admitted that he hated what I was becoming

he feared my light

he kept changing his mind about me so many times that I finally cut him out of my life

he still tried to get back into my life

the last thing he did was

I am a changed leaf

please believe me

and I did until he went right back to what he did all them other times

he finally let me go based on the sole fact of he thinks I am a KKK member lol

he even asked me if I was …

im glad he is gone… I dont need his drama

thinking he knows why people do what they do

and I just dont want to hear it

talked down to me

thinks I dont know anything

he got the wrong impression about me and it never left his mind

then again he kept changing his story about me… so its hard to say what is even real anymore

I thought I found real love once but I was wrong

in my mind, you have to be more, be deeper

meet me

see me

not just desire alone

not just these mundane feelings and actions

and so I know since I question did I love him and wanting more..

it was not real love

even though he is more real than most

however he is too quite for my liking

he is the quite type and hardly comments on anything

he is also not as spiritual as me

which turned into a problem for me

he did get under my skin with some comments on an artwork here and there

but he still is more real than anyone else I met…

at least I know he is a fake friend… and that is good enough for me

if you believe in soul mates… being with one soul through out each lifetime… then maybe it all makes sense of this pure divine love

I have yet to find this divine love flame

and I know I never will

as this world is broken

as most people are demons hiding in human bodies

I am a light being

here to find the other people of my soul race

fighting demons

as I am a warrior goddess

I have looked into twin flame posts but they were not divine enough for me to stay around

as they became lower and stuck on 3D

so much higher wisdom is lost

so much higher knowledge is lost and twisted into something else entirely and you can no longer recognize what it once was

earth is not the place to find true divine love

sure some people claim to be with their soul mate but so many have not found it

I continue to be ignored and tossed aside

as I dont belong on this planet

and the demons know

I feel what you say in this message about magic, true love, and the masks

its all true

I know I have not been able to remember what true love is really about… on a higher deeper thinking but you did a better job than I could ever do

I know I have lost sight of this

better yet, that is not my mission so I overlooked it and forgot about it

knowing my soul mate could never be found

hmm, maybe that is why I sent my love to the gods via sexual means… was actually a good thing and not a false love but something else entirely

I am still working out the details on that one

but here is to a new perspective on things, thanks to you, I am thankful


Thank you for seeing my divine depth… I just went through a person tearing me down and saying very harsh things towards me. The real hurtful came from being told I am not divine at all and I dont know what is really going on even though I do… that is if you saw my website and my other spiritual videos and posts.. then you can kinda know what the argument was about.

I’m going to give an example:

a demon came to you for help

they want to be a copy cat of you

you do anything and everything in your power

to help this person

sadly you are draining your energy

the demon keeps feeding on you

saying please continue I want to be just like you

I want to be perfect like you

I want to think and act like you do

so you continue until you feel completely drained

and had no choice but to take a step back

I can spot manipulate actions

I can spot demonic thinking and behaviors

like how this guy was insulting me even though I never once attacked him

and for some reason he thinks I was in the wrong and he was mr right

he said but I was only trying to help and I gave you only facts

how can his facts be solely based from insulting me and tearing me down?

He is a demonic person who knew how to feed on my light

every time I would mention my light or my blessings he would attack me and spit in my face

that is a good example of my divine thinking…

yet says I am a 1 dimensional being who talks out their ass and is the asshole

thankfully you can see my divine means…

to even see my light

you and only another person spoke about seeing my light

the third person is not really spiritually but he still talks to me from time to time

life just got busy so he had to take a step back

but he never once tore me apart…

even if he is not spiritual and not that into what I offer :P

yes not a common conversation but this is my normal to be honest…

then again I do not think of myself as human and see myself as a light being

a 5D person who came from the upper dimensions to earth… to spread higher wisdom and knowledge down here on 3D earth lol

yes everyone is distorted and to stay locked

my ex-friend I just talked about… made sure I would stay locked even though he was like… but I am trying to help you… I want you to go higher like I have… he claimed to be on a higher level than I am but It is quite the opposite

hell, even you and I can basically see the same things

sure not in the exact same way but its similar

oh yes the prison guard… he was that

omg, talk about synchronization :O :O :O

its a potty he claimed to be high level like us but tore me apart

he is not on high level

all he cared about was blasphemy against the christian bible

he loved blasphemy and anything to spit in the face of christ

I met people like that before and boy their auras were nasty

something was very off about them and this was before I had my spiritually awakening

whats funny is this troll claimed to be on my website and reading my spirit posts

yet attacked me on multiple levels

he is a Pleadian Demon…

he spat at my beliefs and the gods I walk with

saying but they are fake gods because you are not blessed and have no easy income

just because I have a harder life than most does not mean I am fucking cursed…

he used my past mistakes and the negative side of things only

never did he see the positive in me or in my life

that is a demon for sure

yet says I am the asshole ROLF

you got to be fucking kidding me…

clearly you and I are on the same wavelength

since you too can see demonic thinking, actions, and behaviors

yes not a typical conversation but I live this everyday

it is my job to expose demons and false light

I love my job…

heck even in this one part of my video that I was making

I felt power when I spoke about my holy guardian angel… yes, a prayer I personally have written…

I felt power backing my words

so I know I am not crazy or making things up like this demon thinks I have done

or have aligned with false gods…

just because I am not popular dosnt mean anything to me

yet he thinks I need to be in a temple on a pedestal being worshiped by millions

to be considered on a high level and blessed

to say ok you have completed your goals, now you have shown me your real power and energy

he actually did not say those exact words but is what I am inferring is what he actually meant

sorry, I have the whole thing recorded

so if you want to understand more… because I fail to even begin to understand why he said what he said to me…. Let me know

(then again I think I already sent you the video link or blog post link)

he thought I wanted to be ms popular

to be a celebrity

to talk to the masses

to get my message across millions of people

to wake the masses up

to help millions of people


he thought those were my real goals

boy did he get me wrong

idc to be popular

I did and it made me uphappy that I was not growing my accounts

be it on Instagram or YouTube

it bothered me that I was not getting any traffic to my posts

it bothered me that I was not getting any comments

then it hit me

I do not need hundreds

I only need people who love me for me

then I can slowly grow and not worry to much about being popular

for me, I am a small Niche market. Not many people will understand my posts. Not many can see the light backing me. Not many can see my glow – then again I probably have camera shyness and some stage fight left in me… it is hard to be comfortable on camera. People want to see your happiness and charisma. For me, it has always been hard to be the popular kid. People use to see the dullness in my eyes due to my heavy depression back in the day. Now I try to show powerful energy on camera and through my words. To show that courage on camera. To be that motivational speaker. It is not easy… so that is why it is so hard for me to grow my accounts. I always found my jelously when I see this person has only been on YouTube for 3 months and has already 3K subs… idk I hear stories like that from people who I watch. Saying they grew super fast on YouTube and they were only there for like 3 or 6 months…

but that is really not the point

they probably know how to tag, write titles, and descriptions

and me, I am such a noob on that lol

or I don't even mess with tags, tittles, and I never write descriptions

what I do see from these people

they have tons of fun

they have awesome energy

they are lucky

they have no stage fight or camera shy

they just glow

they are super happy

if its a single player game… well its about being a good entertainer – its hard for me to put that into words on what that even means to me… all I can say is, you got good energy and have lots of fun or you are a comedian and your good at what you do.

Or the video has been edited/ made very professionally like

that can be from good camera settings, location, and sound

sound can be from using a good Equalizer and other processing

sorry I don't really know anything about sound processing lol


My journey is a bit similar

only difference is… I was always alone

I distant myself from the very beginning

I found that people never really liked me even when I was a child

I always felt different because of this

I tried to find friends online but that never really worked either for me

as I was heavily bullied back then

now days I let people approach me and see what happens

not against messages and some people feel I am for some strange reason

other people said I was snobby

I just laugh at them

at least I know my soul path and got rid of all the toxic BS of peer pressure and religion nonsense

I could have been baptised as a child but I never went to church

back then my mother had no car until after this

and even when she could take me to church they never did

I am so thankful for this

sure they say I am wild and such but IDC

at least I am free…

interesting concept on the brainwaves of interaction with divine forces

for me it was natural

sure I met with dark forces first then came the light and right ones

went down a dark path only to end in self discovery

it was not easy since I had no teachers or mentors on anything…

it took me years to find my path

only three people pointed me into the right direction

they say these types of people are angel messengers and I believe it

even though these people did not stay in my life.. I am still grateful for the push in the right direction

like you and so many others

I tried to fit in… to find my place here

even when I was into darkness

I tried to find my passions

I kept finding that I was more into light fantasy than dark gothic stuff

I had no religion and tried to find one that fit me and so I wound up in spirituality

searching for which gods I connect with

eventually I found the ones I connect with

I do get visions and trances

I still doubt that this is happening to me and is real… I do feel insane even though I know I have powers…

I have much to learn and do

my journey is still going

(I have recorded some of my traces and visions on video.)

other times I think they are just wishful thinking and daydreams than actual visions

hard to say really… for me…

I believe in past lives

I have yet to discover one of my names but I feel I am close… yet I still doubt myself on that lol


I was told I needed to have an income to be blessed

since I do not have an easy income of making thousands on a day to day basis.. I am cursed and have no power, no happiness, and no energy.

Just because you have an easy income dosnt mean a damn thing

I think he was one of those people who fell for the law of attraction to gain money

money spells and money mediation BS

I call Bull because I was taught do the hard work and reap the reward

put effort in rather than just do “easy”

the guy used the word cursed loosely

who knows what he actually meant on me being cursed

for I do not see myself cursed but very blessed

I know I hardly have any money… hell I might as well have zero

and I would be happy as a druid

internet would be nice to share my videos with others lol

though im happy in nature

call me a hippie, call me a gypsy

I live as if I was in the ancient days of man

where money hardly ruled… well then again I dont really know what happened in BC time…

history does have lots of stuff wrong…

so I will just say this instead

if I was on a different planet

full of more intelligent people

then I would live like that

where money does not rule the world

where society would be the exact opposite of earth is

where spirit would rule

where nature would be left alone

better and more laws to protect nature


and so I never fit into this world

I gave up in trying to find my place in it

I made my own path

forged my own community even if it has like only 5 or so people in it lol

I gave up on trying to find others like myself

I let them come to me

I let them somehow find me

and here you are

I always joke that I am an alien visiting this place :P


I agree nothing in this world is normal

money can help

money should be used in moderation

and not run your life competly

then again I was a shut in my whole life

neglected and such

had no friends

I had classmates I talked to but then I found out years later… after high school had ended

they were fake friends and some even forgot about me

I cant blame them for doing that

I never stood out

I never gossiped or did anything else which is drama based and negative energy

even when I was younger I could feel the demonic pressence in the world

I could see it

even in my life when I was on a darker path

I too was demonic

a bit

sure I never hurt anyone unless they attacked me first

but I was selfish

I only cared about my spiritual growth

I could not care for another being

I was all alone so it was normal for me to care only for myself

I wanted to know deeply about this one subject

it was a mystery that I loved and wanted to know everything about

even the stories and myths of the gods I took deep interest in

hmm, maybe that is not even selfish at all

maybe I can not love like how the other people love

maybe that is how I saw myself as selfish but I really am not?

Hard to say since your like the second person I met who can see the world through light filled eyes

well if its a soulmate thing then its completely normal to want to know EVERY little detail

and if you happened to be in a past life that connected to gods then yeah its also normal

(I am still healing or going through a dark night of the soul… oh thats when the person started to ask me things… I got rid of the messages since he just asked me how was I and was I hurting and stuff but when I answered back – like what a dark night of the soul is and how its not a bad thing… he didnt respond back. Then again he always hardly spoke to me and now I know why.

I still have every post on my instagram including this one he commented on which only sparked the curse thing…

me I personally write whatever enters my mind or what is on my mind

be it from trance or the gods are trying to show me something


it felt like my world was upside down

but then again I had that happen to me when I was on that darker path

until I found my light

idk how or why or even when that happened

all I know is...that it did happen

as they say you can only become what you are meant to be

once a demon always a demon

a human can either change into a demon or turn to light

a light being can change to darkness or stay light

so many think they are doing light but really its so minldess and numb…

like that person I spoke to you about

he thought he was doing me a favor

he thought he was helping

he started from Thelema when I found him

then after that idk what happened

he never went into details other than

he went to the other side – into the all

he found his real power

doing rituals and magic and group rituals

I never knew this until 2020 so I thought he was a different person

his whole vibe was different

he spoke differently too

so yeah I say he is someone else

for all I know his soul was eaten – since he mentioned he ate other people souls for power

omg… I met a guy who said he did that and he tried to eat my soul since I could not do astral sex with him… and then he tried to get me to talk to this girl he wanted but her dead bf was in the way…

I tried to warn her and such but she never wrote back to me and ignored me

he was crazy

he was a satanist

he was pure evil

his friend told me that he vanished

like his soul is not on this earth anymore

he said something bad happened to him

years later after he tried to get me to move in with him for sex and then I heard he tried to eat my soul…

oh no wonder this new troll I felt was off…

I just remembered that other encounter way back when I was trying to find my path

and wound up meeting all these crazy insane dark people

I always said I was protected by unseen forces

now I know who it is and what it is

the soul that protects me is a god I connected with years later in life when I found his name

little did I know the gods were silently guiding me to find the light

now I do light work

to find others

how I found you is the work I do

let the people send messages to me

let the people connect with me


if I was really cursed and had no power

then you or him would have never found me and started to talk to me



people try to convence you everything is fine... gossip, drama, tv, media.. news.. etc

all of it are tools to brainwash you so you can stay dumb so they can keep controlling you

yes step away from people and you will start to see

though it only happens when you can begin to see and listen

not many can achieve this

how or why it happens is a mystery to me

since i was always free from the start

i could feel the darkness around me

i had no friends

i never belonged

i never fit in

i was bullied

then one day i just woke up to know my mission

to know what i am

to see my light

idk how it happened or why... it just did XD

i rather have people who love me for me rather than some social popular contest thingy....

being fake and drama

being energy vampires is NO thanks

i rather be with people who lift me up than to drag me down


Ah yes the divide that is on earth

good vs evil

white vs black (not racisism of colors) boy did my ex friend go crazy mad when I kept speaking about the war that is on earth. He kept seeing racism war and I was like, no no, its soul race spirit warfare

light vs darkness = soul race war = spirit warfare

gods vs demons

gods vs humans who are evil

gods and light beings holding hands and being friends and teachers

I always saw the divide

I call it as demons vs angels

the corruptions has been going on for thousands of years

I was told, it all started with Lilith

she is the mastermind with writing the bible and giving it to man

the bible is the real evil in the world

and any other religion that has a book lol

budah is not evil

thoth is not evil

those are the only other books I know of…

or written

I dont know everything myself but I just know any real knowledge comes from deep spirit leaders

who can actually back their shit up lol

but the bible cant even do that

I read about creation stories

what if humaity was an illegal race

and the demons just set in

now the light beings who are on earth have to fight with the demons

and then they too have the corruption inside themselves

now many are asleep and dont know their power

many think they do but they dont

many are fakes

many are cons

I for one is real

you are also real

my ex friend.. I thought was real until he shown me his evil demonic face

now I know he is false light who he thinks is all light

for all I know I came from an upper dimension to spread the real light

to find others

to enforce the god plan

to do the god’s work

light work


I wonder how you feel about what I have said here

on the divide

the illegal race that should not be here and did the corruption

and things got way out of hand

I wonder, do you feel that you came from an higher realm to earth?

Like I have?

I think I came from the highest realm… idk

like im super old or something LOL

then again I always saw myself as a goddess

and I can even say which one I have similar personalities with

it dosnt actually mean I was her but I sometimes feel like I was due to my personality being so close to her’s…

who knows…

(the bible is an undercover story…)

satan wanted to get his people out of hell into heaven

the real god stopped him

now the demons are all on earth

now the real god has to find the other true pure light beings

to get them out of hell and back into heaven

in other words

find your soul power

be happy

be at peace

be in balance

make your heaven on earth

do no evil

harm not the innocent

if its a demon than by all means

defend your honor

fight back then block after you said your peace

work with real magic

work with the gods

do light work

spread light



yes many people are into what is trending

to be someone else

to be something they are not

for they were programmed that way

conditioned that way

since I had really no peer pressure and never was baptized I could be free

it took me long battles to figure myself out and im still learning about me

such is life though

like you why speak to these people who are well… useless and dead on the inside

I use to say I was broken but then an angel told me… I am not broken, the world around me IS broken

and so the trolls try to tear me down but I fight right back. I say my peace before I block – if I feel the need to, other wise I block right away.

Then again I love exposing demons lol

I know many have told me, why write about what happened

just get over it

me, I let the fire burn

as there are lessons to be shared or to be had

I can never stop myself from exposing or writing about what is on my mind or enters my mind from trances

people just dont get that so they tell me… do not let the troll get to you, even though it did and its done even before you told me to get over it…

so many fakes out there

why talk to them?

I know I dont even try or bother

I just get ignored anyways and have when I tried to find new people to speak with or try to make new friends

I gave up and let the people come to me

even if it takes years :P

im in no rush

being popular is not my goal and never was

oh the sad idiot thought he knew my goals

how I see my goal and how you see it is two different things

as they say

be with people who flame your fire passions

let the fire burn and people around you should fan it

be with people who are on the same spiritual mission as you

yet so many false light out there…

its hard to know the deep meanings behind all these quotes I keep seeing :P

since im not ordinary

im not “human”

I am something more

I am something deeper

many are not on the same path as me

most are not – actually

you stumbled across me and here we are

similar minds

seeing the flame of inner soul fire

to know things…

maybe the divine had guided you to me, to find me

who knows

side note

I feel like I am here but I am not actually here

since I get overlooked

I am invissible to most

I dont fit in

I see the world but im not really here

like I am visiting from another time and space

since I cant grow my social media accounts or my youtube

without buying the tools to do so

and no one can share my stuff because they dont have anyone who they know would be into my stuff

or so they keep telling me :P

even in public

I get these stares like you do not belong

its these odd stares that make me feel uncomfortable

eh, its probably because I dont wear makeup and dress up :P

back then when I would get these stares when I was a child and teenager


People become entangled with false hope and false light

they feed on drama so they never wake up

evil will always be evil

you can not justify it

and that troll tried to jusify himself to me

I spit in his face as I knew he was just another decoy for me to handle and destroy

light beings are asleep

so many of them are asleep and have no idea their true power and light

other light beings go insane and go dark

many can not handle the harshness of this cruel world

so much false light is out there and people feeding into it

people spreading it because they believe in it

even though its false hope

I can see through this fake world

I could always feel something is off about this world

people just love being fake and mindless

even if they think they are on a higher level they really are not

one was a manipulative bastared

many think there insults are facts and are just when they are just lying to your face

the rest just want a one night stand lol

then there is people like you

I can say your the second real legit person I have met who can see this world and soul for what they truly are

many of the higher knowledge from the upper dimensions are lost and twisted on earth

to the point where they are no longer recognizable

now you have to decipher the information and even then you can still get it wrong…

I know I have done that

I was made believe to love your enemies and to forgive them

and that is just wrong… you cant and should not forgive the person for harming you

in any way

and so when I did do just that.. what happened? The person kept hurting me in the same way over and over again until I got fed up and said no more…

you become what you are meant to become

either become light or stay darkness

for an evil soul will always make other people bleed

and that is when I learned

never forgive your haters

never love your haters


Yes, you control your reality

you make your own world that you live in

and yet so many are “stuck” in things they hate

and can not get past it

find your passion that makes you happy

then keep doing it

then find others who are into that same thing

for instance

find other bird waters if your into that hobby

make a club/ community

if you want

grow your brand


even if you find yourself in a huge community of gamers who are into the same game as yourself

you can still find trolls

you can still be ignored and never find other friends in this community you are apart of

I tried to find other people and when I did they no longer play the game and quit long before I could even start my journey

thats only two or three people

the rest ignored me

one person was a fake friend

another quit the game because he thought I meant something when I didn't

he already was thinking about quitting the game but I added to it since he wanted a person to play with. Thought I would be that person and when he found out something – he quit lol

another person is jealous on me

saying he hardly knows me and wants to change that but… I gave him everything he already needs to know about me and yet still wants to know more…

he also left the conversation and never came back

he now rarely speaks to me

I think he was trying to impress me and since he was not getting anything

he hardly speaks to me now

he brought up about the game we could both play but we never went for it

like why mention that knowing you don't have time

made no sense to me…

so my other friend was like, he is jealous

I always here of people quit the game because they have no one to play with

I for one found myself there too and took a year off before playing again

I tried to record myself playing the game

but I could never find my groove

I found this format to be harder even though I still manage to add spirit knowledge here and there

I found I was losing passion on my spirit blog and making videos since no one was interacting with me

I still battle that feeling of, I am not worth it from time to time

but all creators feel this way so I know its normal when your not growing your numbers or hearing from people

especially when all you get are trolls instead of people who care and see you

that's why I found myself jealous and envious of people I watch and follow

seeing all their comments and stats :P

it makes me want to do better, to get better!

When all else fails

be happy being alone

be happy with who follows you

be happy with the community that you have built

even if your the only person there


sex should be sacred

yet here we are with sex offenders rapists, and other horrible acts

love should be sacred and divine

yet through the dark arts

demons are created through the wrong use of sex

I know I was not conceived with a purpose

years later bad shit happened

so many red flags

my own sister wants nothing to do with me

because my sister had to be giving up

my aunt adopted her

my mother says her sister probably did not tell the whole and truth of the story of why my sister was adopted

so the sister has anger towards her birth mom…

I can only speculate this

since my sister never talks to me

even when she was in the same city as me

instead she is a mindless sheep

while I am divine and she is not

it would make sense more demons are created through the wrong use of sex

and is why the world is corrupted more and more now

not just because the bible made the corruption easier

so many things are at play…

ah it makes sense why I went to a god for love… even if it was a crush at that time

I am still making sense of my soul… on this part of my story. I know I am still healing this wound… all I can say now is when I built that wall up to push him away… I felt off, I cant explain it other than, I felt a disconnect, like I did not feel like myself anymore. Something was missing. Now I am beginning to understand… to see it for what it really is…. For all I know, it is this entanglement between two people!

All I know is

I kept going back to this name

thinking about this name

I was so focused on him

my body responds in a way that is only to this name

no one else but him, how my body responds

its only to him…

I am starting to see that now


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