my soul has lost its way
i feel the abyss touch my skin
i see demons inside
no let me out
back into the light
let me out
but alas my soul cannot be heard
so much dread and despair can be felt
the light can only heal me
oh where art thou
where are you, my angel
my sweet beautiful angel
my savior from this madness
show me your light and guide me out
but alas my prayers go unnoticed
only till i was ready to see and feel it did you appear
you welcomed me with open arms as i showed you that i was indeed worthy
i feel the inner darkness leaving me
with your light i am rising more than i was left alone to search for you
i was searching for you for so long
i lost my way and stumbled
i did not give up
i did not lose hope
i knew somewhere you were waiting for me
i knew one day we would meet
i never lost hope
i kept on going
and one day here you stand before me
i could not believe my eyes
this has to be real
i knew from that moment onward you were indeed real
full of light
full of passion
full of love
your light is helping me destroy the darkness and to rise high above the clouds
more than i could ever do on my own wings of love and light
with you by my side, my sweet angel i can never go wrong
you will always guide me fourth and light my way
two lights are better than one